Chapter 13

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Hange's POV:


I looked at her with a surprised look.

"Hange look... D-dont get mad at me-"

She was cut off by me running to her in tears. I hugged her ever so tightly.


"Don't ever do that again you idiot!" I paused "did you know how worried we were?! And recently we found out about your pregnancy? Kira why...?"

"Please let me in... So I can explain.."

I let go of her. The rain still poured loudly as she entered the house.

"Kira!" My mom said while running to hug her

My dad and her were never close. So dad didn't go near her.

* * *

We all sat down in the living room ready to hear what Kira has to say.

"So... Eh.. Where do I start?"

"From the day you left until now" I say giving a sort of smile to ease the tension.

"Well... When I left I stayed with one of my friends... When I was fifteen I got a boyfriend... We lived together... I loved him.. Very much.." She looked down fidgeting with her hands

"A few months into our relationship, I found out he was cheating on me.. But I loved him so much, that I couldn't let him go, so I just let him cheat on me.. I soon got pregnant with his child and... One of his other girlfriends didn't want him to stay with me.. So he left me... He said he didn't want to be apart of my or this child's life.. And that's why I'm here.... I... I'm so sorry"

"How dare he do that" I say with a bit of anger "but it's a good thing you didn't force yourself to him, it's better if you did part away from him, having him as the father would not be a good thing for that child, it's for the better"

She smiled

"I agree with Hange" my dad says "but that doesn't mean I approve of you ruining your life at the age of seventeen.. But it's not my decision if you want to keep it or not"

"I understand your situation, I mean, I've been in the same place as you, but you're much younger than how old I was when I had you" my mom says

"I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, and I know I don't belong here anymore, but I'm sure that I'd just stay here with you guys and not leave anymore" my sister says

"We're happy to have you back then" my mom says

Me and mom hugs Kira and she hugs us back.

We cried the pain away.

I was happy to have her back....

* * *

"So... Kira, what are your plans for your baby?"

"I want to keep it... Everyone deserves to have life... I'm not willing to take life from someone who isn't even in the world yet.. And I will take care of him or her"

"Sounds like a good plan"

"By the way Hange... You and Levi.."

"What about us?"

"Are you.... Together yet?"

"What?! No! Of course not!"

"Sorry, that was a strange thing to ask" she giggled

Levi's POV:

Graduation is in less than a week from now...

I walk through the empty halls of the school

Hange... Where the hell is that woman at?

I walk pass the arts room and I soon hear someone singing while playing the piano

That person was in the music room

I looked inside and saw Hange playing the piano while singing.

I believe the song was orange by 7!!

She plays that song non stop that's why I know what song was being played.

A/N: so I'm about to put the lyrics Hange is singing, if it's spelled wrong or the translation is wrong I am very sorry. I don't speak or learn Japanese I just got the lyrics from YouTube. You can also click the yt link I put in the beginning. Anyways back to the story.

"Kimi ga inai hontou ni taikutsu da ne

Samishii to eiba warawarete shimau kedo

Nokosareta mono nando mo tashikameru yo

Kieru koto naku kagayaiteiru"

It was beautiful. In English it means
'When your not here it's really boring
But I'll get laughed at if I say I'm lonely though
I'll confirm the things you left behind as many times as it takes
Without any of them disappearing, We'll shine'

She looked over to the door and stopped.

"Levi! You scared me.. How long have you been there?!"

"Doesn't matter. Keep playing"

"That's weird I thought you'd tell me to shut up before it starts raining" she laughed


She started singing again. Her voice was lovely... Almost heavenly.

Maybe that's one of the reasons why I fell in love with her.


Yea sorry for not updating for a while. School rlly hits different after they give ur grades.

Anyways there's only a few chapters left! That's if I stick to my original plan or add a few more details before the finale.

A big thanks to everyone who stuck around till the end!

I hope y'all have a blessed and joyfully day!<3


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