Chapter 7

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Levi's POV:

Kenny is back.... Great I'll have to deal with him again.

"Kenny, Levi please don't argue" my mother says

"Yoow Levi, I saw you hugging a girl earlier, is she your girlfriend?" My uncle asks

"It's none of your business and no she's not my girlfriend" I say with a stern voice

I see him looking at me weirdly. That creep.

"Why are you here?" I ask

"Is it so wrong to visit my favorite sister and nephew?" He says

"Spill the real reason" I say

"One of my clients live near by here so I decided any not to visit you two" he says

I could only answer with a "tch" I walk into my room.

Hange was acting a bit off. To say the truth she doesn't deserve to be unhappy.

My mom made some food for Kenny and then he left

"I'll visit again soon, thanks for the food" he says while walking away

I'm relieved that he's gone.

Hange's POV:

I walk towards our home. Mom answered the door.

"Welcome home dear" my mom greeted

I smile before heading up to my room. Flashbacks of Levi saying he's falling for someone keeps playing in my head.

"What's wrong with me??" I ask

Maybe I'm just in denial. Do I like him? But... What if this you he is talking about isn't me? Agh my head hurts. I opened my phone and opened the app tiktok. Maybe that'll get him out of my head.


I'm sooo sorry for a really short chapter, I've been super busy this week and I barely have any free time 💀💀 I'll try to update again. Have a great day y'all<3

- Jea

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