Immediately he was done, HP entered and told them dinner was ready.

They all got down and took their respective places.

The only ones missing from the diner table was Arnav, Anjali and Shyam who has just arrived.

Mami heard giggling and knew this sound was only when Shyam was around.

The couple got down and Shyam greeted everyone and sat down with the family.

"I am happy to see you damadji. " Mami said grabbing everyone's attention.

"Me too..... I have been gone for so long and miss all of you...... I  glad to finally be home. " Shyam said enthusiastically and everyone except Manohar and Mami smiled at him.

"Well good to know that..... But I have something to discuss with you since apart from my husband, no one is bold even to ask you. " Mami said looking straight into his eyes and Shy was taken aback by her tone.

"Mami not now. " Anjali retorted looking angry and Mami paid her no attention.

"We are becoming the laughing stock of society because of you and Anjali staying and Maaji's holier than thou attitude..... They are calling her a hypocrite and us enablers and you ghar jamai for staying with us even after nearly eight years of marriage...... As for me, I don't care but I hate other people's deeds affecting me especially if I have done nothing and am against it. .... You already have been building a house and I if it's not completed, tell me and I will help complete it..... I will hire maids to cater to you and Anjali's needs since she can't do anything herself because she is disabled but never disabled when it comes to shopping. " Mami haunted shocking everyone except Manohar. "I will also have your utility bills paid in full for two years as a departing gift for the two of you...... We need to uphold our honour and it starts with you and Anjali..... Am sorry if you are offended but I am protecting your honour as a man because people don't respect you and I am sure so do your colleagues and please don't know lie because we know...... You have compromised enough for Anjali and it's about time she does the same."

Mami ended up taking all of them by shock.

Anjali turned to Nani for support but she looked away and Anjali knew she was done for.

Shyam was also shocked by the turn of events and started wondering what had happened while he was gone to make Mami go off like that and their unbeatable support in the form of Nani was also quiet and engrossed in her food so much that she didn't look at them.

Just when he was done with the papers to take everything that belongs to Arnav and then look for Khushi, he has been hit by this storm and knowing how Arnav listened to Mami more than anyone, he was sure Arnav has already been informed about and finally understood his absence at the table.

Mami has carefully planned all this and had had purposefully made Arnav not join them so that Anjali's tears won't dissuade him from supporting her and her husband.

"I have to do something fast...... Thank God the money I use to steal from Anjali was able to finish the house I was going to live in with Khushi but unfortunately this bitch might be the first to see....... No..... No... No..... I can't let that happen but if I deny it, they will feel suspicious of me so I better agree with them. " Shyam thought and looked at Mami who was looking at him like an eagle's eyes on prey.

"Mami.....I accept your offer...... It's about time I and Anjali live alone and have our privacy but I already have everything ready and I need to finish up so can you give me about a month to get everything ready. "

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