"Allison's family has a certain history of violence. I didn't know if she could be trusted.There was a camp, yes. But all the records were erased." Ken explained to Scott and his daughter.

"More like they covered up the massacre that happened," Zella stated, already knowing the story.

Ken reached into his desk pulling out photos and information, "When I was a grad student, my passion project, actually more like an obsession, was trying to dig up the truth on Oak Creek. It's how I met your mother, Kira." Ken explained.

Kira looked at the pictures that were not covered up or destroyed then faced her mother, "So, where did the nogitsune come from?" Kira asked her mother suspiciously.

"Isn't it obvious yet?" Noshiko said.

"From the same person who had the idea to create me, your mother." Zella stated.

Noshiko then began to explain how everything started in the beginning before the massacre, while fixing the katana's blade.

"Kira, I need your help on this. There isn't much time. And this is something that needs to be done in the daylight." Noshiko pleaded with her daughter.

"Why can't you ask Zella for help?" Kira questioned seeing as Zella already knew everything, and could probably do a better job than her.

"Not with this task little fox, this job is for you and you only." Zella explained.

"Not until my mother tells us everything," Kira said as she crossed her arm over her torso.

"Tell them, Noshiko. Tell them what they need to know." Ken told his wife.

"Wolves and foxes tend not to get along, not just in fables and stories." Noshiko spat out.

"But allies, however unlikely, should be welcomed. Especially in times of war." Ken told the group.

"What he is essentially trying to say is you guys need all you can get if you want to save Stiles, because I am a solution all by myself, but I'm trying to give you time because he's your friend but when the time comes, I will not hesitate to kill him." Zella said truthfully, but she was lucky Scott wasn't listening to her heartbeat at the time because he would've noticed it spiked in her statement.


Since the police station blew up, from when Void Stiles planted a bomb there Chris, Derek and Zella were allowed to go home while the investigation on Silverfinger was pending. But Chris and Derek were called back for further questioning then also obtained some of their belongings while they were there.

Deputy Parrish was holding up a stun baton that was Chris's, inspecting it. "Sorry, but I can't let you walk out with this. It's way above the legal voltage limit."

"I only use it for hunting." Chris explained to the young deputy, while Derek looked at him hearing his statement.

"Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure you could use it to jump–start a 747." Parrish carried on saying back to the slightly older man in his presence.

Chris had enough and wanted to get out of the police station, "This property belongs to me and the charges were dropped. Although, I'm not exactly sure who's responsible for that." Chris said, looking at Derek.

"Your friend Isabella did," Parrish stated.

"Who?" Derek questioned not being familiar with the name.

"Oh right, sorry, I totally forgot she told me not to call her that, instead I should call her Zel- Zeel–"

"Zella?" Derek stated, being familiar with the name or at least the sound of it.

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