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*not edited

His malice brown eyes meet mine in the mirror, and I try not to cry or break down in front of him. He's seen me that way too many times.

"Follow me, and I won't lodge a bullet through you or your boyfriend's skull." He pushes me, and I turn towards the exit. As he holds the gun up against the back of my head, we go out the back door without the clerk seeing us and to his car.

I'm shoved into the passenger seat, and he handcuffs me to the door. When he gets to the driver's side and starts the car, I finally scream.

"Shut up bitch!" He slaps me across the cheek. It felt hot and left a stinging sensation for a minute.

"What do you want, Joaquin?" My voice breaks.

"You know I've been looking for you for months. I couldn't believe you had left. Then I find you at some resort fucking that prick. I was livid and thought beating your boyfriend up would make me feel better, so I followed him and waited until he was alone. That's when I discovered something I think you should know about that piece of shit," he rambles.

"What are you talking about? Harry has nothing to hide," I pant. Being locked in a car with him is causing an anxiety attack. And now he might know something about Harry that I don't.

"He's a drug dealer. Saw him handing off a bag and getting a briefcase in return. He popped it open, and there was a bunch of cash."

"No, you're lying. Harry's a cop. He wouldn't be selling drugs," I dismiss. That's the craziest thing that I've heard from him. He probably confused Harry with some other guy.

"Well, then he's a crooked cop Andie. You need to be careful. You might be in love with him, but he's dangerous."

"Oh, and you weren't? Joaquin, you abused me time and time again, and now you're accusing a man who's never laid a hand on me of something that could ruin his career!"

"I know I didn't treat you right, Andie, but I also deserved a goodbye."

"I didn't owe you anything," I seethe.

"That may be true, but I still love you, and I want to protect you," his eyes softened while looking at me, and for a moment, he was the sweet man I fell in love with a long time ago.

"Where are we going?" I ask, desperately wanting to change the subject.

"To my sister's house, I want to know you're safe, and she'll keep you safe."

"Why? I can handle myself."

"Because you're blinded by love. If you stay with him, something will happen sooner or later. And don't worry, I'm leaving soon as I drop you off."

"Joaquin, I have to get back to my life. There's a killer I'm supposed to catch. He's left me clues, and I'm so close I can feel it," I explain.

"You can still do your job. I just want you to stay away from him."

"He's my partner, and we're solving this murder together, rather you like it or not."

"Andrea, you need to listen to me. Harry can not be trusted. If he's a crooked cop, who knows what else he's capable of." That time his words hit me. If Joaquin isn't lying about Harry, then I don't know if I can trust him.

"When did you see this exchange?"

"About two days ago, sometime around 3 pm." That was around the time Harry was out for hours. He told me he was gone looking for a lead, but that could've been a cover-up. It also makes sense why he wanted to go to Palm Springs specifically. Harry just planned everything without even asking if that was something I wanted to do. I thought it was a romantic gesture, but what if it was more than that.

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