Chapter 5

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I snuggled against the soft warm things infront of my face, not bothering to open my eyes I just assume it was one of my stuffed animals. That was until I remembered yesterday.

Slowly opening my eyes I see that my face was pressed against the top of Kyo's breast.

Looking up I see her peacfully asleep. Smiling at the sight I snuggle my face back were it was a close my eyes enjoying the moment while I could.

After a few minute I hear Kyo stir but I dont bother making any sign of me being awake.


She says with a soft sleepy voice, that I find adoreable.

Jiro:"Y/n I know your awake."

"Yeah, but I like this feeling."

Jiro:"Y/n your face is between my... boobs."

I look up at her and smile.

"Yeah, I figured that out."

Kyo rolls her eyes and smiles.

Jiro:"Well your mom wants you to call her."

I sigh as I put my face back between her breast, though small I did quite enjoy them.

Jiro:"By the way I unbraided your hair before going to sleep."

She says as I feel her hands brush through my long blue hair, which felt nice. As im enjoying this moment I realize one thing.

'its like we're a couple.'

I immediately feel my face burning with blush as I realize what I just thought and hid my face deeper inbetween her breast.

Jiro:"H-Hey! St-Stop being a p-pervert!"

Eventually we both get up both of us with blushes.

Taking a glance at her from the corner of my eyes I see her doing the same to me.



"Cuddles with you are nice."

I see her face go redder and she turns her head away more.


Standing up I stretch and hear a few pops and cracks.

I walk over to my phone and call my mom.

Jiro POV

'cuddles with me are nice? How can he just say something like that?'

Looking at him talking on the phone with his mom I cant help but agree though.

'Though it was nice cuddling with him.'

I blush and try to shake it from my face.

'No no no, what am I even thinking? It not like we're in a relationship, not like I would mind.... wait.'

I dive back into bed and shove my face into my pillow forgeting Y/n is in the room with me.


Hanging up the phone I look back at Kyoka and see her with her face buried in her pillow laying on her stomach.

'cute butt.'

Walking out of the room leaving her to settle things out. I walk into the living room and see her father.


Kyotoku:"Hi. You didn't try anything with my daughter did you?"

"Nope, she only comforted me when I almost had another panic attack. Nice, caring, sweet and all around amazing."

Jinxed Hero (malereader x Kyoka Jiro)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon