The bestfriend sleepover Part 1

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Her face was inches away from mine. Her smirk wasn't going away as she looked down at me.
"I didn't know you were so attractive from this angle."
I smirk back looking up at her.
"You'd be surprised how attractive I can be from other angles too babe."
I let out a laugh soon to be joined with hers. We calm down as our eyes lock and become intensely entranced. All I could hear now was her heavy breaths and my heart beating loudly in my chest.
I put my weight on my elbows as I lean in closer to her face. I look into her green eyes one more time before I touch her lips and kiss her. It was a tingly sensation. Like butterflies. Only to be overwhelmed by strong urges to touch her.
Her lips pressed harder against mine as I part my lips slightly letting her tongue slip in. The kiss deepens as we find ourselves soon entangled in each others arms. We break away only to catch our breaths. Her hand strokes my collarbone as it reaches my neck and slides up the back of my head. I smile at her knowing what was coming.
A bestfriend sleepover. Bullshit.
I put my arms over her shoulders as I run my fingers through her short brown hair.
She kisses me again but more passionately really giving into her urges. One of her hands slide down my chest and around my waist making me arch my back. She pulls away from the kiss and smirks at me.
"You're in for one hell of a night now baby."
I smirk back.
"I'll make it one hell of a night darling."
She continues kissing me as her hand wraps around my waist tighter making me gasp. I lean in more then slide my hand under her shirt making her pull away and smirk. She looks at me one more time before she takes her shirt off revealing her bra laced in black.
"It's like you knew this was coming."
"I doubt you thought any different babes."
She yanks at my shirt then tugs it pulling it over my head and tossing it to the floor. We stared at each other for a second as we took in the picture. Her green eyes sparkled as her lips curved into a smirk. I bite my lip as she leans in again but this time grabbing my wrists. She adjusts herself as my wrists get pinned above me. I look up at her feeling heat creep up my neck and flush my cheeks.
Oh my god she's attractive.
She leans in again tilting her head to the side and kisses me. He lips trail off and reach my neck. I groan as she bites me making sure she leaves a mark. I felt hickeys trail down my neck down to my collarbone as her hand grasps my waist tighter. She pulls herself away and looks down at me faint lip stick stains smeared on her lips. She looked like some sort of goddess as her eyes reflected the faint light making them glisten.
"Are you going to keep staring or should I continue?"
I feel myself get flustered as her mouth curves into a smirk.
"That's what I thought."
My breathing gets louder but it doesn't drain out my heartbeat as her hand traces my waist down to my thighs. She looks at me again before her hands slip in between them making me let out a muffled moan. Her fingertips brush against the heat making me gasp and arch my back. Before I knew it she pulled my skirt up and pressed on my clit. I toss my head back as her fingers start to make circular motions up and down. I buck my hips as if I was trying to adjust them to her every movements. Her fingers finally slide in as I gasp and hear a moan fall out.
I adjust myself before she grabs my chin pulling it in and kissing me. She was shutting me up but I still couldn't stop my muffled moans as her fingers quickened their pace. I ride out her movements with my hips making heat rush through my body with every touch.
My focus zones in and out as my vision gets blurry. The only thing I could see was her and only her in front of me.
She's beautiful. A literal goddess. My goddess.
I wish this feeling could go on forever but I felt myself getting tense as my thighs felt tight making me release the knot in my stomach.
I let out a moan as I ride out my climax catching my breath and relaxing. I look up at her with a smirk.
That was hot. Oh my god.
She looks down at me with a look of pride but there were other plans. I prop myself up till I was inches away from her face. I kiss her neck as I run my hands through the back of her short brown hair. She closes her eyes as she takes in the peaceful pleasure. Not for long.

I pull her in by her neck kissing it harder leaving faint lipstick smeared into her skin. I cup the back of her head with my hand as our lips meet again. The familiar touch made us deepen ourselves letting our muffled groans as I bite her lip. She grabs my neck as she tries to pull me in.
I stop her making her give me a confused look as I look up at her with my lips curved. I grab her hand as I lead it down to my waist making a tingly sensation throughout my body. I gently push her down as her shoulders hit the headboard behind her. She smirks at me making me blush. Her hands gripped my waist tighter as she pulls me in making me propped on top of her. I slide my hand under her chin. I could feel her breath tickle my cheeks. I lean in closer tilting my head her lips nearly brushing mine. I felt heat creep up my thighs as her hips shifted underneath me.
Now her breaths was trickling down my neck as I bite hers making her wince. Her grip tightens around me making me smirk.  I felt the urges to touch her deepen making me move more like I was trying to blend with her. We were entangled in each other with heavy breaths and muffled moans. I could feel her heart beating against my chest, she could probably feel mine too beating faster and faster. We were pulling on each other as her hand slid down to my thighs. She looks up at me as she hears my sharp gasp.
We looked into each others eyes just for a second before I felt her fingertips brush against the centre of the heat making me gasp again. I toss my head back as her hand travels up my neck and the other starts rubbing against the heat. I'm breathing heavy as I try to keep myself sitting straight. I fail and use her shoulders to support me. Her fingers curving inside me as I felt gushing sensations between my thighs. I bring my head forwards and rest it against the headboard panting over and over.I let moans slip in rhythm to her movements.
I laugh through the moans as I lean in closer to her ear.
"God you make me crazy -"
She quickens her pace making me thrust my hips giving me more pleasure.
This feels so good. We've definitely fucked up the friendship.
She grips my neck as she pulls me in kissing my neck. Her name rolls off my tongue as I feel myself reach my climax again. I look directly at her still panting. Her face had gone red as she smirked.
"I like my name on your tongue. I want to hear it again."
I look at her in disbelief as it quickly turned into a smirk.
"Make me."

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