"You Are, The Only Exception..."

Start from the beginning

One hand on my jaw, the other on the small of my back, he kisses me. I get goosebumps at the feeling of his tongue pushing against mine and his lips burning their mark onto mine; like he's begging me to never forget the way we feel in this moment. How could I? He's everything.

We all lay on the couch, watching mindless TV and enjoying the time we have before I have to leave. An add pops up for the local carnival that will be in town next week and my eyes light up. I love carnivals. I wish we could go; I wish it didn't have to be so hard. Seokjin asks me if I like carnivals and I tell him I do, so much and they proceed to talk about their favorite parts of a carnival; mostly the food and games.

I get a slight shiver and Yoongi covers me with the blanket. It's getting colder out now, the cool October air making it necessary for blankets and cuddling. I think of the holidays coming up, the release of the album in a few of weeks, the way their schedules are going to get even crazier than they are now. Can we continue to make this work? We are barley seeing each other now, what happens when I come back and they're in full promo mode and there simply isn't any time?

I try and shake off the negativity, not allowing it to encompass all of my thoughts. I just want to enjoy my last few moments with them.

And just as quickly as the days flew by, the hours did as well and it's time for me to start changing and getting ready to head to the airport. Hyun-Jin will be taking me and Ae will be meeting us there. It was just the easiest way to not cause a scene.

I head to my room and change into what I'm wearing to the airport. I decide on black leggings, one of JK's oversized t-shirts (it's the one he wore today so his scent lingers on it and makes me feel safe) and Yoongi's long red, jacket. I add a black baseball hat and my black Prada combat boots and make sure I have my black mask. I get a text from Hyun-Jin that he's outside so I take a deep breath and make my way out.

I head back to the living area where they're all sitting in the quiet, the mood is somber and sad.

"I can't say bye to you one by one. It's— it's too much and I just, I can't," I say as my voice breaks.

"It's okay Noona, we understand," Jimin tells me. They all look at me and it take everything in me to not just break down. This seems so dramatic, I know. It's just 3 days. 3 days! I'm sure most people would think I'm just co-dependent and clingy and stupid; a love sick loser. But I don't care; they are everything to me and functioning without them near me is difficult and I hate it.

"I love you. I love you so much," I say as I look at each of them. "I'll be back soon and we won't do this again, okay? We can't do this again," I say to them. They all nod in agreement.

I go to the door and grab my backpack to sling on my shoulder, open the door and grab my suitcase. Hyun-Jin sees me and he walks up to grab my things from me to put into the car. I turn back around and I see them standing there looking at me.

"Text us when you get to the airport," Seokjin says.

"Please be safe," Namjoon adds.

"Get the inflight wi-fi so we can talk to you during your flight," Taehyung suggests.

"Make sure you get some sleep," Hoseok advises.

"Dress warmly and don't catch a cold," Jimin tells me ("It's LA Jiminie, it's not cold like it is here right now" Hoseok informs him).

"Let us know if you need anything at all. Anything baby," Yoongi says to me.

I look over to Jungkook and the sparkle in his eye is missing and all I see is sadness. I cock my head to the side and look at him.

Still With You | BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan) : A Sequel to 'Euphoria'Where stories live. Discover now