I was beginning to panic, you know when you did something wrong and feel like your parents will come home any minute, so you rush to fix or clean whatever you done. Yeah, that’s how we feel.

Then we heard a car door slam, Avan and I froze at the sound of footsteps coming this way. “Okay, we’re just going to tell them the truth” Avan nervously said. “Okay” I whispered but then the door opened and I panicked, I moved my way behind Avan so I was out of view from whoever it was at the door.

“OMG! What happened here!?” Anya gasped and next to her someone began to laugh. It was a voice that I didn’t recognize so just stayed behind Avan and let him take all the blame. “Avan” Anya yelled at him.

“It was all Ciara’s fault!” my jaw dropped, that snitch! I hit his back a couple of times but that gave away my position. “Ciara come out from behind Avan” nervously, my head peeked out from Avan’s arm. “Hey Anya…lovely weather we are having” I sheepishly smiled.

Anya looked annoyed and had her hands on her hips. The guy next to her was silently laughing, he had red hair and was big built and tall. Avan wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me in front of him, now I was the human shield. The only thing protecting us from Anya was the island table and I sure as hell ain’t moving away from it until she cooled down.

Anya sighed and rubbed her forehead “Do I want to know…” she asked and I shook my head. “Alright, Kevin grab a mop and let’s get cleaning”

“Why me?” he whined and pouted.

“Because I said so” Avan and I snickered in the background. Kevin must be Anya’s husband, and what do you know, the Jackson women really do control their men. “Avan get back to work” I ordered Avan and was about to move but he held on. He brought his head down and whispered in my ear “You can’t tell me what to do so easily kitty. I will expect something in return later on”

Damn his sexy British accent…

Avan let go and stood next to me, of course he had an arrogant smirk on his face. He then began to wipe the table; I looked across it to see Anya and Kevin staring at us. Anya was grinning and Kevin…let’s not talk about what Kevin’s doing.

Awkwardly I cleared my throat and made my way around the table; I believe it’s time for me to introduce myself to this Kevin…

“Omg, hey Kevin, long time no see.” I gave him a hug and purposely ruined his clothes. I pulled back, satisfied with the cake mixture on his shirt. “We just met” he said while frowning and taking a step back.

I fake gasped “How could you forget me, I was at your wedding!” I didn’t really go to the wedding but he doesn’t need to know that, Kevin looked confused; he then turned his head to his wife for some confirmation. Anya played along and nodded, I could see the amusement in her eyes as she watched her poor husband. “I can’t believe you forgot me, I was one of Anya’s brides’ maids.” I hit his arm.

“I was walked in by one of your mates, the blonde one” that was a complete guess; apparently it was also right because Kevin had that far away look acting like he was trying to recall the memory but he still looked confused. “O-oh yeah, now I remember” He tried to play it off and I was about to continue when Anya couldn’t hold in her laugh anymore. Avan and I joined her when Kevin had this confused pouty face.

“What are you laughing at?” he whined to his wife.

Avan decided to put him out of his misery “Dude, you just got played. Ciara was never at your wedding, this is the first time you’re meeting her” I grinned “Please to meet you Kevin, I must say the best man gave a lovely speech” Kevin chuckled and playfully shook his finger at me.

“The best man passed out before he could.” He said, shaking his head. “So I guess you’re Avan’s girlfriend” from the corner of my eye I could see Avan stiffen but said nothing.

I sighed, I don’t know if it’s a disappointing sigh or I’m just really tired. So I just went with an easy answer “If by girlfriend you mean, me being a girl and his friend. Then yes, I am his girlfriend” Anya sighed and Avan went on to clean the table. What did he expect me to say, he hasn’t popped the big question out to me so I don’t know why he’s sulking.

I mean it’s not like…um you know…never mind

“Okay enough chit chat, we better get this cleaned up before our parents arrive.” Anya clapped her hands and we got to work. 45 minutes later and we were finished, Avan and I went to get cleaned. I made Avan give me a piggy back ride up the stairs and into his room.

Ha! And he says I can’t order him to do what I want.

We bathed, dressed in clean clothes and headed down stairs, but halfway to the family room I pulled Avan to a stop.



“I think it’s about time you meet my family” I evilly grinned.


just so you know....i'm not happy with this chapter


*cries* i'm losing my mojo! and it's because of school *waves fist angrily*

The next one is funny...ok i lied IT'S NOT!!!

i couldn't find anything funny to add...i'm going to go cry in a corner now...

Oh wait, i'm already there!!!  

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