The New AU, Gender Reveal and Age Reveal....

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  As soon as we entered the AU the other two gasp. I couldn't blame them either, normal the AU's are pretty devoid of magic, while this one is seemingly full to the brim with it. It also had a welcome aura, and it felt like a hug if I was being honest. Right now we were in a forest, so I grabbed Dreams and Blues hand, and started walking. The scenery was absolutely beautiful.

Lots of extremely large lush tree's, bushes, animals both normal and magical, there were even different types of flowers! Everything was saturated in magic as well! It's official, this AU is officially my favorite. We continued to wonder untill we found the entrance to the underground, the entrance where the seal was broken and set monsters free. I let go of Dream and Blues  hand and went to go investigate.

This place in particular had tons of magic, probably from when the monsters broke themselves out if I'm honest. But looking more closely I saw a bunch of runes as well, that were set up rather recently. I got closer to see what they actually did but never actually touched or messed with them. They were a work of art. Honestly I'm jealous, I wish I could do something this well.

After I finished reading them all I bounced over to Blue and Dream, absolutely gushing about the runes. I talked about how well done they are, how jealous I was, how the runes were a work of art, and how I would absolutely love to meet whoever did them! I wouldn't stop rambling about them. Dream and Blue were giving me patient smiles and nodding along, but I have a feeling that I lost them at some point. Doesn't mean I'll stop talking about them though.

I was probably talking for a good hour or so before I finally calmed down about the runes. Then I started up on the amount of magic that was everywhere, and how beautiful the woods are. However before I could really get into it, Dream and Blue suddenly his me behind them, and faced towards where a small path was. I quieted down and started to shake, I was in the process of falling into a panic attack.

However before I could truly start, Dream grabbed my hand and sent me positive feelings to counter the panic until this was over. Right, he could sense emotions and everything. I calmed down but still stayed behind the two of them, not wanting to face whatever monster or Human came out. Not even a minuet later a short skeleton walked out, their AU's sans probably. They saw Dream and Blue, then lifted their hand for a wave.

"Heya, what are you doing out here? Don't you know that is place is private property?" Ah, I guess that would make sense. That's when Dream started talking with them. "No we didn't, we got lost in the forest. My name is Dream, this is Blue and Ink." Dream gestured to each of us when he spoke our names. "Why is Ink hiding? Are they on the run or something?" Nope, I just have crippling anxiety with strangers. "NO. INK JUST HAS SEVERE ANXIETY, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES TO STRANGERS."

That seemed to somewhat come the skeleton down. Have they had a problem with people trying to flee here while on the run before? ".... name?" They looked at me and I squeaked and hid behind the others some more. "Sorry, I couldn't here your friend, what did they say? "Ink asked you what your name was." "Oh, my name is Sans, short for 'Sansy'. Call me Sansy and I'll punt you." Oh, did I forget that neither Sans or Papyrus do puns in this AU? Well they don't so.

They continued to talk, then it came out that we aren't from this AU. Sans didn't seem all that surprised. Mabey there were cameras where we entered the AU? Probably. Out of the blue Sans offered to show us the city. I perked up and looks at Blue and Dream expectedly. I wanted to go look, I really did, but without Blue and Dream I would without a doubt have a panic attack.

They both sighed but agreed. Yes! Magic city here we come! It took us Mabey a half hour of walking, in witch I managed to actually talk with sans, only after revealing that she was the one who did the runes. I couldn't stop asking questions about. She seemed to soften at that point, no clue why. Mabey I reminded her of her sister or something?

Once we reached the city I was in absolute aw. It was beautiful, and was a mix of magic and futuristic. First thing we did was get ID's for the New AU. Sans herself was doing it so no Stanger interaction for me, yay! There was this magical device that would make our ID's after a scan of our magic, then we filled out the rest. Uh oh..... Welp looks like my gender and age may be revealed. Dream went first, the ID was something like this.

Age: 32
Gender: Male
Species: Skeleton

Blue went next and his was similar.

Age: 26
Gender: Male
Species: Skeleton

Then, it was my turn. I was extremely nervous. What would it say? Would it say my gender or past Ink's? My age or past Ink's? I didn't know and was really nervous. So I took a deep breath and then the scan thing happened. I giggled because it tickled me. Then my ID came out and everyone was shocked.

Age: -Error-
Mental age: 15/16
Gender: Female
Species: Skeleton

Everyone was shocked but I couldn't help but ask something. "How come I have a mental age but the others don't?" That seemed to shake everyone out of their stuper. "Well probably because the machine can't tell how long you've been alive for." "Oh, okay!" So it probably wasn't my fault, but rather that I'm in the body of the Creator or something. Before anything else was said though, both Blue and Dream hugged me and kept apologizing for mis-gendering me.

"It's fine! You guys didn't know because I didn't tell you!" "Still! We should have asked." "DREAM IS RIGHT INK! WE WERE BEING TERRIBLE FRIENDS! WE ARE DEEPLY SORRY! AND DONT TRY AND SAY IT WAS YOUR FAULT EITHER!" It went like this for a few more minutes before we calmed down. So that was it huh? Mabey, just Mabey not everything is going to be terrible....

And here we are with chapter 4! Hope you enjoy. Tell me ur thoughts?

Transported as Ink Sans (Forced God of Creation)Where stories live. Discover now