The guilt trip

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"Alright then, my name is Dr. Toris Laurinaitis and I regret to inform you that your son is in the hospital... he was hit by a car..."


Arthur imediatly dropped the phone in shock as Alfred screamed. His little baby, Matthew.... had been hit by a car?!

He turned around to see everyone wearing the exact same horror-filled expression.

Alfred then rushed over and picked up the phone hastily.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN MATTIE GOT HIT BY A CAR?!!!!!" Alfred shouted into the phone with tears streaming down his face. "Your lying......"

"I- I'm sorry, your son is undergoing some surgeries right now and..." there was a pause.

Now it was Francis' turn to hastily grab the phone. "And what!? What is happening to my poor Mathieu!?"

"Well.... when he was hit by that car, it was a very hard impact and he hit his head quiet brutally so..... Actually, it would be better if I were to explain it here. Please, come to the main hospital as quickly as you ca-"

Francis didn't need further persuasion. He ended the call and ran to the coffee table to get his car keys.

Alfred was right behind him and already out the door, followed by Matthew's German and Russian (?) Arthur still wasn't sure) friends.

Arthur was about to leave as well when he remembered. Matthew was in the hospital, probably scared out of his wits! He needed some sort of comfort! His mind instantly wandered off to the stuffed little white polar bear his son used to be so fond of... probably is still fond of!

Arthur bottled up the stairs, going faster than he has ever before. He ran to Matthew's room and, thanks for his sons tidiness, he instantly saw the bear. He grabbed it and ran back downstairs quickly, shuting the door not even bothering to lock it.

"Hurry the hell up!"

"Shut up you bloody wanker! This is for Matthew so that he won't feel so scared."

"Well then-"

"Tais-toi! vous deux!" Francis shouted, "all that matters is that he is here now! Let's go!"

"My thought is exact so Step. On. It!" The albino said, hastily. "The faster we get there the better." France ignored him and was already on the main road.

"Shut up Gilbert! No one invited you and that commie bastard, Ivan to come!" Alfred said, though you could tell he was a little eased with the company.

"Alfred, you twat! You don't speak to people like that! Apologize to Matthew's friends. Now!"


"I'm trying to drive! Can you all keep it down?!"

At this point the Russian, Ivan, was getting angry.

"ВСЕ вы просто заткнись! We are here going for Matvy but we can't do that if you are all fighting, Da! I know we are all angry that all our forgetfulness caused this but we are here to make up for it and I will not have this useless bickering take place just to get our minds off of something that was clearly our fault! That would be a high disrespect to Matvy so I will not tolerate it, understood!"

Everybody silenced at Ivan's words. It was true. They were all trying to get their minds off of the reason Matthew was there in the first place.

By the tension I'm the air, Arthur could tell everyone was feeling the exact same thing he was feeling.... Guilt.

"I- I didn't mean for it to happen... I sh-should have woken up earlier... then maybe I'd be the one to get h-hit by the car instead.... and- and maybe I would have said happy birthday to M-Mattie and everything would be alright... I... I should have been a better brother..."

Alfred had been choking on his sobs at this point. He couldn't sand the fact that his brother had been put in a hospital because of his stupid birthday.
Gilbert put his arm around Alfred in attempts to calm him down and thought it didn't work completely, it still helped a little.

"Hey," Arthur said in a soothing voice, "it's not your fault. Francis and I should have remembered... We should have at least given him a second glance... but we didn't, and I- I'm so sorry..." Arthur felt the few tears he had been holding in fall down his cheeks. he held Matthew's bear tighter, trying to bring himself some comfort, only to make him feel worse.

"Hey amour, we have made it..." Francis said, wiping away Arthur's tears.

Arthur faced him before he looked out the window to see the hospital towering over them. The moment the car was parked everyone rushed out and went to the check-in right away.

Arthur rushed to the main desk and slammed his hands on the counter.

"We are here for Matthew Williams, please, let us see him right away!"

"Of course! Let me just see where he is" the nurse said while typing quickly. "Ah, here we go, Williams." Her face dropped for a moment, showing complete sadness and some terror... Arthur's stomach flipped.

She awkwardly coughed before she said, "He is on the third floor.... I suggest you hurry."

They didn't need to be told twice, without another word, they all scrambled up the stairs, heading toward the third floor.


I needed that fluffish-ness with Ivan (Russia), Gilbert (Prussia) and Alfred (America) in there because as the story develops, so does their relationship and so on.

Also, I used google translate for all of these phrases, seeing that I don't speak any of these languages but English (obviously), Spanish and some Japanese/ French but other that that, it's pretty much it.


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