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All x Takemichi

Yandere AU

Requested by: Imao_Basil


•Foul language

•Character death

•Reader discretion advised

• Gore

• Trigger Warnings

•Extreme possessiveness


"Look at Takemitchy! Isn't he just cute?~" Mikey purred.

"Cute doesn't even begin to describe mitchy." Chifuyu stated as he layed his head onto the desk.

"And he's allllllll ours~." Sanzu cooed.

"Look at him, he's wearing the shirt I made him. What a good boy." Mitsuya smiled.

"Tiny, adorable, and ours~." Draken replied.

The five were currently in an empty class room, staring at the screen of the laptop.

They had hacked into the surveillance system of the school Takemichi attended.

They watched Takemichi with possessiveness but something alerted the group when Takemichi began smiling and waving.

They immediately knew who it was when they seen the redish pink pompadour come into veiw.

"Tch, it's Akkun." Mikey growled.

They watched as Akkun engulfed Takemichi in a hug. One that lasted longer than they wanted. They knew Akkun had a crush on Takemichi.

"Isn't he getting a bit too close?" Draken snarled tightly gripping the desk.

"That he is......ya know, I think it's time we take care of him." Mikey stated with a devilish smirk.

"I completely agree. Nobody has the right to be that close with our mitchy, nobody!" Mitsuya growled stabbing the needle through the shirt he was patching up.

Within minutes their plan was set and by tonight, Atsushi Sendo would be no longer.

☠⚠️Minor mentions of gore⚠️☠

read at your own risk☠

Tears streamed from Takemichi's eyes as he comforted the crying mother of Atsushi Sendo.

It's was a rainy day and many had gathered. From family to friends, friends to best friends, and best friends....to the unknown killers of Akkun.

Everyone was dressed in black as they stared at the closed casket. His body,......it was too severed and dismembered for an open casket funeral.

Takemichi still remembers the day he found out.

He was at home when he had received a phone call from Akkun's mother. She was worried because he wasn't answering his phone, which is so unlike him.

She had called wondering if he was with Takemichi. She explained that she had called the other's, Takuya, Yamagishi, and Makoto, but they hadn't seen him since they parted ways after school. With no other choice, she called the police and filed a missing person's report.

Takemichi harem oneshotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant