Even if I could be considered amazing at Japanese I still do not know every modern slag phrase that has come up recently.

Currently, back to what I was doing, I am sitting with Ichika Amasawa, you could consider her my only friend. That is in fact false though since the more I hang out with her the less I trust her and more I want to strangle her, everyday she talks about my brother, getting Ayanokoji Kiyotaka expelled, or me being a bro-con.

The last one I find especially strange since I have said barley anything about him to her, I think she is trying to get me embarrassed or something, but since I do not see him in that way it just gets annoying quickly. While I was thinking she interrupted me for the n time today.

"Nay, Elena-chan, you said before that you and your brother hang out every weekend for dinner right? Be careful or he might lust for your body, teenage boys can become overcome by sexual desire and attack girls. I know you are strong, but I worry you might let him willingly, and if you do something like that I will have to find a senpai to do it as well."

I just stared at her, is she an idiot or actually just likes to be annoying?

"No need to worry Ichika-chan, my brother and I have a perfectly normal relationship for siblings, despite what you might hear about America incest is actually extremely uncommon, in fact I have never known anyone who has done it."

In fact I recall a few stories of it happening but it is still highly irregular the places I have lived, the US is a big place though and perhaps it is common somewhere I am not aware. She just continued.

"If you say so I will believe it, but don't get stuck in the washing machine, ok? And if you by chance do, make sure to record it for your best friend, ok?"

I just signed in response and looked back at my phone, I regret before when I didn't understand what getting stuck in a washing machine meant and asked. That day she showed me over an hour of porn to make sure I really understood, the way she acts is honestly very disturbing.

Fortunately before she could say anything else the bell rang and we had to go back to class, as we went back to class we had to walk up a stair case and I was once again reminded of the terrible uniform at this school, whoever designed the girls skirt is definitely a pervert, anyone walking more than two steps below you can see straight up your skirt.

That is why since the first day I have been wearing athlete shorts under my skirt, I'm not some exhibitionist, Ichika on the other hand seems to revel in the flushed expressions of our fellow students who look up hers.

Honestly I still can't tell if she is actually going around sleeping with our classmates or all talk, sex in high school is pretty common so it wouldn't be the most surprising thing. Unlike many of these girls however, I can keep it in my pants, unlike from what I can gather my brother is doing.

One morning I was going on a run and saw some third-year girl all over him while they were exercising, she had white hair and red eyes, she was definitely one of the most beautiful girls at this school. In some ways I felt some pride for him, on the other hand I also though, he went for someone with white hair? My sister and I also have white hair, does he have some kind of Oedipus complex, I mean we are his adopted family, but it could still apply.

Leaving that aside because all it would cause was a headache we continued back to class for our sixth class of the day, English. For me this is the easiest subject, even if our teacher is a brit.

In my evaluation of her she is actually much better at teaching than I had thought the first day, in her class we are not allowed to speak Japanese and we are supposed to be completely immersed as if we could only speak in English, which obviously is not challenge for me, but I have noticed my classmates improvements.

She often has us watch old movies, pausing every few minutes to explain how in many words we pronounce them differently from their actually spelling, the way she explains it is definitely fascinating but not enough for me to trust her at all. It seems obvious to me that she is here for some other reason, most likely something similar to myself and my brother.

Something else that is interesting to know is that in our class Ichika, Ms. Hood, and myself are the most desired females in the class. Interestingly enough however the students have a slightly different sense of attraction to our dear sensei, instead of love or lust, it is more like they are willing to be her servants.

One girl even asked if she could be her personal maid, one boy also said that if her knee was ever bothering her he could act as a table for her to lay it on.

I would guess this is the product of her elegant and sophisticated aura, she exudes a regal and strong presence but not overpowering aura which visibly mesmerizes a majority of the class.

To add to that she always is extremely kind and helps with whatever she can if it will help her students, even if someone suggests something crude she seamlessly navigates around it keeping herself clean of it.

One way to look at her is a beautiful jewel that never gets dirty no matter the environment and keeps its shine even after being thrown in the mud, no doubt any mans ideal wife, hell even any girl's ideal wife. 

Without anything else happening school ended and I went back to my room, thankfully today is Friday so the weekend starts tomorrow, and so does my favorite meal of the day. Its my favorite because I can be as honest as is possible for me, it is also the time I learn some of the most important information of the week.

For whatever reason Alex seems to be able to acquire ridiculous information, I don't know how he does it but I have a few theories, all being crazy. The most probable of which goes like, he is the sugar boy of some teacher and she tells him stuff, he has a romantic relationship with a teacher, he is blackmailing a teacher, or he has somehow hidden recording devices almost every school faculty room.

He even knows things about the first years, it is almost like he has read their files, his ability to acquire this information honestly is making me feel insecure.

Sure, it's not like I don't have any good information, but to be outdone by my adopted brother who last year was an asocial gamer slightly smarter than most when I have been trained for so many years, and experienced and learned many more things through working with my sister.

Something within me is driving feelings of needing to show my superiority, but I have been trained to not slip up and be an idiot so I wont do something reckless and get us in trouble.

After all, I should be very happy that he has been more useful than I anticipated, even if it somewhat hurts my pride, I also feel happy for him.

Who wouldn't be happy to see their siblings rapid and positive growth, as a sister, or by definition, aunt I could not be happier. The paradox of the situation is not lost on me, I am sure I will have it quickly resolved though, I am a professional after all.

I am happy to actually do some interesting stuff this weekend though, since the partner exam takes place next week, this weekend a lot of classes will be trying to get last minute partners for their academically challenged students. This will give me the perfect opportunity to learn a ton of info, since most people in my class are too scared or intimidated to approach me I don't have plans this weekend other than dinner.

I also know from Ichika the first year Class D has something planned to try to expel a certain second year, I will have to watch that attentively since whatever is going on at this school has something to do with that student, what does everyone want with Ayanokoji Kiyotaka?

Whatever it is, I must find out.

The End

Hey guys and girls, sorry for not uploading for a while, between school and a ton of gave releases, DLC, and live events I have been busy. DO NOT worry though, I haven't forgotten about you sexy legends though. Cya UwU

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