Chapter 9

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Alex's Pov

Fuka told me to meet her outside the first-year dorms at 2 AM, I have a feeling I am going to go through hell. Fortunately the idea of sleeping early and waking up in the middle of the night and waking up when it is dark out is not completely foreign to me. I would often do something similar back in college in my old life, I generally like being up when it is dark and quiet outside.

Once I got dressed and went down out to meet her it was just before 2, I instantly found her standing there looking at the sky. The paths on campus are lit with lights so it is still fairly visible so I could see Fuka standing there in a black sports bra and yoga pants, I get the feeling she plans to torture me in a different way then I originally thought.

When she saw me she walked over with a smirk, I know she is doing this on purpose but it doesn't change the fact I am struggling from looking away from her body.

"No need to hide that your looking at me shy-kun, it is only natural for a boy to look at a beautiful girl like that. I know you like what you see, come follow me, it is time to get started."

"Yes Fuka-Sama."

I get the feeling she gets a little too much enjoyment from me calling her that, she definitely is somewhat sadistic but I also am being told by my instincts to do whatever she says........

With that I followed her to a park area a few minutes away from the dorms, we haven't even started and my heart rate is so elevated. I really hope she is gentle with me, but I am not naïve enough to think that is likely.

"Ok, before you exercise you need to stretch so you don't get hurt. Now I will show you how to properly stretch because it is important, even if you know some stretches I am going to treat it as if you know absolutely nothing because having the fundamentals down is incredibly important. If you never learn those correct you fall apart like a house of cards later."

With that she started showing me a variety of stretches, I couldn't help but think almost all of them seemed extremely erotic. It is also possible that since she is very beautiful almost anything she would do int hat outfit I would find erotic, thankfully stretching is relatively easy so I can do it without a ton of issues.

On the other hand if she bends over right in front of me again I might start popping tents, and not because I learned how to in scouts in my last life. Sometimes she also grabs my arm or leg and guides it to do what she is instructing.

After about half an hour he stopped stretching, Fuka seemed to be done with that part for now.

"Ok, those aren't all the stretches out there but you should be more than good as long as you do those before you work out or have some heavy physical activity. Now we will have a short workout, another thing that is really important is a proper diet but we can talk about that this weekend. Make sure you have time Saturday because I am going to show you what foods to buy and how to cook them properly."

To be honest Fuka is being a lot more serious about this than I originally thought she would, I guess when she promised that I would get significant improvements by summer break she was completely serious.

"Fuka-Sama is much more serious about helping me than I thought you would be, I am even more thankful I asked you for help. Thank you."

In response she gave me a massive shit eating grin.

"Don't thank me before you even hear my request, I will take this more serious than I have anything in this school if each day I get to command you to do anything I want."

That was such an ominous thing to say that I suddenly realized I didn't but enough restrictions on what she could command me. I can already imagine what she will tell me to do, I don't think I will like most of what she "commands" me to do.

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