Chapter 4

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Alex's Pov

To be honest going to a tutor is a very new experience for me, in all my life I have never had a tutor and I rarely spent time studying. I got by just fine by simply listening to classes and paying attention to what the teachers said. I knew a South Korean kid in my middle school who would study for hours everyday and would still fall behind from me academically, in my opinion the best way to learn is to be present in class and digest all the information said so you don't have to go back and try to learn it later.

In the past the only studying I really have done is looking over old worksheets or quizzes, that makes me feel a little uneasy about this entire school experience in general. From what I understand in some Asian cultures schooling is held as much more important then it is in western culture.

From the way the light novels talk about it a normal student would have to study for hours a day for multiple weeks to be ready for an exam, and personally I cannot do that. When I have studied for things like the SAT in the past I would get so bored I'd fall asleep after like an hour, I will really have to rely on Chabashira-sensei to succeed.

Since the time slot she gave me was 5-7 I arrived at the door to her office at 4:50, unfortunately I still had to wear my school uniform since you have to wear it whenever you enter the school building. I don't mind the idea of a uniform but out of every uniform I think this one might be one of the ugliest, I am a guy that usually wear black, grey, and dark blue; red and green are not really my colors.

After I knocked I heard sensei's voice telling me to come in, in anime people say something like "pardon the intrusion" but since I do not know those customs I will just walk in like normal. Since she didn't seem to mind I just went and sat in the chair I sat in yesterday and took out my notebook, I don't usually take many notes but in this case I will need to write the broad points down.

"Since you are here early we can discuss some things first."

When sensei said that I was a little surprised, what do we have to talk about? This is giving me a strange sense of foreboding, is she going to try to blackmail me? To be honest I kind of like Chabashira-sensei, I guess I just like her personality, well not to mention her "personality" but that's a different topic.

"Sure sensei, would do you want to talk about? I don't know what we need to discuss so I assume you have something to talk about?"

I could see a small smirk on her face, I am getting a bad feeling about this.

"Alex-kun, why did you decide to come to this school?"

I can't really say I woke up one day on a bus headed here and I know a lot about this world because a light novel and anime are made about it.

"Why else would a student come to a school sensei? I of course came here to learn and grow as a person. I am sure you know why I was assigned to your class; I have severe social anxiety whenever I talk to people my age, specifically girls my age. That combined with my not impressive physical capabilities sounds like a class D student to me."

It seems she doesn't fully believe my response; I wonder what she imagined I would say?

"The way I see it you speak perfectly fine to me, are you sure you are not just trying to hide? You seem to know much more than you should so you definitely are very smart, I looked at your entrance exam yesterday and you got in the 90's for every subject except Japanese history. Somehow you managed to get a 0% in it, when I looked at the test you didn't answer a single question, isn't that peculiar?"

I had no clue I never answered a single question for that part of the entrance exam but it doesn't really matter I guess. I decided to only answer half of her question.

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