Chapter 15

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Alex's Pov

It was now the sixth day of the island exam; it was time to put my plan into action. With Horikita taking the credit already there is no point not making a deal that benefits all parties involved.

I was with my usual buddy for this exam, Sotomura, he is really chill and fun to talk to, he will be coving for me.

"Hey, Sotomura do you think you can cover for me here, Horikita told me she wants me to do something for her and I have to be super secretive."

"Ho, I understand Alex-dono, it is like in an anime where the main heroine who is cold as ice makes someone work on their behalf. But if she is the heroine who is the protagonist?"

"Whoever it is it is not me; I am the one being told what to do, good luck the guy who has to melt her cold heart. Thanks for the assistance though, I really owe you one."

"We are even, you gave me that simple photo editing job which gave me points I needed so consider us even my friend."

With that I snuck away from the class and made my way to Class B, my plan is fairly simple and to be honest not very impressive.

Once I got there I made sure the Class C kid didn't see me and snuck around until I was near So Shibata.

"Hello Shibata-kun, I am Alexander Smith from Class D. Horikita sent me here to discuss something with Ichinose-san and Kanzaki-kun, it has to be secretive so can you bring them here?"

From what I know Shibata is a good buy who wouldn't suspect any ulterior motive or lie in my words.

"If Horikita-san sent you it must be important, I will be right back with them stay here."

After that I sat under a tree for a little under 10 minutes before the three of them came back.

I could tell Kanzaki already didn't like me being here and Ichinose seemed really curious with what I was here for.

"Hello, uh.. Alex-kun, right? What did Horikita send you here to tell us and why was she forced to send you?"

"Horikita sent me here to propose a deal to you, according to her the benefits are equal to both classes, are you interested in hearing it?"

"Hmmm, if it is Horikita-san I will hear it out at least."

"According to Horikita Class A has been secretly working with Class C and together they have already learned class B and D's leaders identity. Apparently Class A is split up though, so someone from Class A came to our camp yesterday and told us the identity of their leader because they work for some Sakayanagi person. I don't know the details but pretty much Horikita is proposing that we give you the identity of Class A's leader and in exchange you let us guess your leader."

Kanzaki did not like the idea.

"Do you think we are so stupid to agree to that, we have no guarantee that you are telling the trust about Class A's leader and you think we will take that deal? Horikita takes us for fouls."

Ichinose seemed to be thinking hard, if she is as intelligent as I think this should go smoothly.

"Can you tell us the name of the person who came to your camp yesterday, that would make your claim more believable."

"I don't know many people from other classes but I think his name was Masayoshi Hashimoto. He made us promise not to tell on him, so would you guys keep that secret as well?"

"Of course, if Hashimoto-kun is willing to help that is only natural. Since Horikita is believing him I think it is best if the three of us discuss this offer for a minute. Alex-kun if we agree do you have the information to complete the deal?"

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