Chapter 23

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Alex's Pov

Now that it was time to trap Kushida I was pretty nervous, I am not sure why but whenever I am near her I feel uncomfortable, that is why for the entire time at this school I have said less than a dozen words to her.

My plan was pretty simple in all honesty, I made some small preparations but nothing was too crazy. It started the night after our exam results were announced, I am pretty sure Kushida just talked to Ryuen and will be in an agitated mental state which will make her easy to bait in.

I called her using a second phone I bought from the school for 200,000 points, it has already been very handy for me and I am sure it will continue to be. Using a voice modulator I told her to come to the rooftop of a certain building to talk about how to expel Horikita, this should be enough to bait her in.

When she arrived it was dark out and I could barley see the stars because of the light pollution, while trying to find some of the circumpolar stars in the sky. When she finally arrived she was definitely uneasy.

"Thank you for coming Kushida-san, you are right on time."

"It was you that called me Alex-kun? I came here to see why someone would want to expel Horikita-san, she is our class leader, do you have something against her? If you want you can tell me, you shouldn't try to expel your classmate."

"Is that so, I wonder why you went to Ryuen with that goal then? Are you perhaps jealous that she gets to hang out with Ayanokoji so much? He is a great guy so I can't really blame you for it, definitely the top pick from our class."

"I only talked to Ryuen under Horikita-san's orders, I am being a double agent, don't tell anyone though. Unfortunately it seems you really do want to expel her, I guess I will have to tell her, sorry Alex-kun."

"Cut the bullshit Kushida I know you want to expel Horikita and Ayanokoji, Ryuen now as well since he knows you are a massive bitch. From this conversation here I am sure I am added to your hit list, I wonder what you will do to try to expel me."

Kushida's expression changed instantly, she was acting completely different, even her mannerisms seemed like a different person. She quickly walked up to me, I am a little taller than her, and she starred straight into my eyes. After seeing Ayanokoji's it couldn't be compared but it was still scary, most people would probably be shivering under that gaze.

"I see, how did you find out, did that gloomy bastard tell you? Or maybe it was that annoying bitch? It doesn't matter, now you are another one of my targets, say goodbye to your life at this school you shy little fuck. Quiet guys are so fucking annoying, you and Ayanokoji are the type of guys I hate the most, drop out while you can. If you help me with Horikita-san though, I can let you stay until the end of this school year."

"Interesting proposal, but I think I will decline, I would be more likely to catch some kind of disease from being near you than anything else."

"The fuck did you say to me? A disease? Like the one that makes it hard for you to talk to people and gain attention, of course a mentally ill retard like you already has too many diseases to count."

I didn't respond and just started walking away, Kushida seemed to realize something and charged at me. She ran straight into me and started putting her hands in my pockets, after finding my phone she exhaled loudly. Seeing that it was recording she quickly stopped and deleted the recording before handing it back to me with a smug smile. I guess she has never heard of the recently deleted folder........

"HAHAHAHA, I see what you tried to do, you wanted to get proof on me so that I would leave your little friends alone. It was a smarter plan than I would expect from you but perhaps those two had something to do with it."

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