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Challenge No.3

Misheard Lyrics. Think of some of the song lyrics you have misheard throughout the years. Pick your favourite, and use these misheard lyrics as the title of a new creative writing piece. Write a story, scene, or poem based on this title.


In an ideal world, murder cases are viewed as equal. Some move quickly while others lounge around. The reasons for this are as many as the cases on file. Then there are those that just defy logic.

Detective Chief Inspector Edward Barnaby sat in silence watching the Director for Public Prosecutions, Fleur Armstrong stand at the window. Fleur's brain was in overdrive. Her office had a magnificent view of the twin peaks of Gros and Petit Piton, but this day it was lost to her. Her eyes were fixed on the mountain but she didn't see them.

With a deep sigh, she turned to face the DCI. "Barnaby, if it wasn't so serious, I'd laugh."

"I know. When Trev called it in, my mind went straight to food poisoning. But that would have been way too easy."

She returned to her desk but didn't sit. "Barnaby - Ed - DCI, you are proposing that I go to the assizes, stand before the learned judge and say, yes, your honour the victim was killed with a batch of the award-winning Saint Lucian Blue Cheese."

"It is what it is, Fleur."

"For heaven's sake! It's the middle of August, midsummer, the height of the tourist season! I should be heading for a beach somewhere. The least you could have done was arrive with a freshly made glass of soursop juice."

"Not in season."

"This is Saint Lucia; something is always in season. Instead, you bring me cheese."

"Will sorry help?"

"Heather Moffett, on assignment with the British Voluntary Service Overseas. On the island for thirteen months. What does she do? Only go and get herself killed by cheese!" The press is going to have a field day." She groaned.

"Again. Remember what happened when we found her?"

"Take me through this." She sat and tapped the file. "I've read the file. But I want to hear from you."

He nodded. This is what made the DPP the formidable attorney that she was. She didn't just take the file and run. She drilled down into the nuances of the case.

"It's a slam dunk." Barnaby started. "Heather Moffett, in Saint Lucia with the VSO. Originally from the east end of London. On the island just over a year, putting her halfway through her tenure. Long enough to find herself in a ménage à trois with the accused and her man."

"Cheese, Ed, cheese."

"Hence the crime scene. Saint Lucian Blue is made in that cave. The accused works there, she used her phone to text the victim to lure her to the spot. Staff heard them arguing and the subsequent fisticuffs. The cheese just happened to be there and it was weaponized."

"Did she really write it?" Fleur asked.

He didn't have to clarify her query. "Oh yes, she wrote it alright. Big and bold for all to see."

Fleur read from the crime photo. "Sweet Dreams are made of cheese."

© 3 March 2022


Longer stories in the series are hosted at

Under the Mango Tree: 101 Tales (1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें