“I was with Mark all night.” I rubbed my neck as a hard blush filled my face.

“Awww. You like him, don’t you?” She cooed at me.

“I umm, oh look we got the flower cups today!” I tried to change the subject.

“Oh Come On! Finn, you’ve been looking for someone for a long time and no one has ever made you feel like this. You look happier than ever. If I were you, I would ask him out.” She said with her eyes full of admiration.

“I do like him. But I’m not gonna ask him out. At least not yet. He literally just got out of being kidnapped. He needs time to heal.” I breathed. Pam understood where I was coming from and put her hand on my shoulder.

“If he trusts you, I say you be there for him. He’s gonna feel alone throughout the following weeks and he’ll need a support system. As long as you’re there to help him, he’ll trust you.” She winked at me.

“Thanks Pam! You’re always right!” 

“I know!” We both laughed and went our separate ways.

I entered the conference room which we had conducted all the search in. I looked around the room and saw everything. All the work we had done. All the late nights and pots of coffee. And in the end, it was all worth it.

“Detective Martin! We did it!” Baker said.

“We found him!” Reed said.

“Yes boys, we did. And I think we deserve a celebration.” Chang walked in with champagne and glasses. It was great. We drank a bit and reminisced about the past two months. After we were done, we settled down and packed everything into boxes. All the work was taken down slowly and we put everything on record.

Although I did keep the picture of Mark with me.

“Detective Martin, Chief Eric wants to speak to you.” Pam said. She addressed me by my professional name, something we only do when it’s a serious matter. I got up from my seat and walked towards the Chief’s office. The vibe was off. Sinister. Pam gave me a look I couldn’t decipher.

I walked in and was met with Chief Eric. And standing next to him was Carlos.

“Finnick. Please, take a seat.” I sat and balled my fists. I gave Carlos a menacing glare. I could’ve sworn I did a low growl at him.

“What’s this about, Chief?” I asked in my most composing tone.

“First of all, I wanted to congratulate you on your successful work. You were able to find Mark Hudson and bring him to safety.” He said in a blank tone. This is expected when he thanks you. Don’t expect a huge balloon and cake and him kissing your feet.

“Thank you, Sir.”

“However, it’s come to my attention that you went home with Mr. Hudson and slept with him.” My eyes widened. How did he know! I glanced at Carlos who gave me a smirk. I wish I could’ve punched him.

“It’s not what it looks like-”

“Detective Martin,” shit he didn’t call me Finnick. “You should know that sleeping with recent victims, while not a crime, can be considered taking advantage of someone.”

“What do you mean?”

“The boy had just been found. And he was tortured to the extend. He’s vulnerable right now, and he may look at you like a beacon of home. Someone who will protect him.”

“HANG ON! I’m not taking advantage of him! I didn’t sleep with him! All I did was be there for him! He asked me to stay because he was scared! And I did!”

I'll Protect You (MxM) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now