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Mark’s POV

I slept happily again. Before, I used to sleep with the thought that no one loved me. But for the past two nights, I had slept feeling my best. And they all have one thing in common.


I honestly didn’t know why I love Finn so much. I still remember the day I first saw him. 

He was so patient with me while I hid in the bathroom. He talked to me slowly and reassured me that my kidnapper would never hurt me. I remembered when I opened the door and saw him standing there. I hugged him so tightly I was scared. 

I formed a connection with him right then and there. 

I’m not going to thank my kidnapper. 

“If he didn’t kidnap you, you would’ve never found Finnick!” Some may say. But he doesn’t deserve the credit. 

He didn’t help me, he hurt. 

Finnick was bound to find me. I know it. Even if I was never kidnapped, I would’ve found Finn soon. He was waiting for me, and I was waiting for him.

I turned and saw Finn sleeping next to me. He had his arm wrapped around my waist. His glowy tan skin shone in the morning sun as it came through the window. His stubble is freshly shaved. His muscular chest rose and sank as he breathed in and out. 

“Finn. Wake up. I’m hungry.” I poked his pecs. 

“Mmm, don’t wake me Jess.” He said still asleep. Who’s Jess? 

“Finn. Fiiiiiiinnnnnnn.” I need him to wake up or else I’m gonna eat something else near me.

“FINN!” I screamed.

“WHAT? What’s wrong Mark? Are you okay? Did anyone hurt you?” He said fast as he held both my cheeks with his hands and searched for bruises.

“No. I’m just hungry.” 

“Oh. Let me go make breakfast. You can get ready right now.” He said. He stood up but covered his crotch area with his hands.

“What’s wrong?” I asked. He proceeded to blush heavily.

“Umm nothing. You should go to the bathroom right now. Like, now!” He sounded nervous.

“Okay! Okay! Let me just get my clothes.” I got off the bed and moved towards him. I walked past him but the space between us was small. He walked and felt something hard poke my ass. 

“What was that?” I said looking at him.

“I’m sorry, Mark. They just happen randomly! I can’t control them!” I pondered what he was talking about. Then it hit me. And I started laughing.

“I’m just gonna go shower. I suggest you take a cold one too.” I smirked at him and he turned around to face away from me. 

I showered and cleaned myself up. I exited the bathroom and heard the sound of utensils moving from downstairs. I entered and saw Finn still shirtless with his back turned to me. I admired all his muscles. He’s a detective. How does he have time to work out? 

“Oh you’re here! Great. Food is on the table.” I turned to the table but didn’t see his dick on it. Just an omelet and coffee.

“Thanks Finn.” I went to the table and sat down. I dug into my food while Finn came to sit next to me. He also started eating. After a while, we sat in silence.

“Umm Finn.” I said.

“Hmm, yes?” He responded looking at me. I tried not to get lost in his green eyes.

I'll Protect You (MxM) ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora