Chapter Twenty Two: grieve for me. mom knows. too many types of wolves

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Everett came in and I heard Harley growl at him, I glanced at Harley who was giving Everett the death stare. Mom was completely oblivious to the situation and that's the way it should be until it becomes absolutely necessary to tell her. I held my arm and Harley put his hand on my arm and it healed, Everett seemed shocked that Harley did it but he played it off like he could care less. After we ate, I sat on the deck with my bow in my hand, I got up and began walking down my path. I walked to where Sam died and stood there for a moment.

"I wish you could see him now. He misses you ya know, I can see it in his eyes, he loved you." I said and waited for her to answer, she never does.

"Well if it isn't the archer." A too familiar voice said. I turned around and saw Katrina, her fangs were out and she snarled at me.

"Can't I grieve in peace?" I asked.

"You won't be the only one grieving in the woods, not after I'm done with you." She hissed. She walked towards me and grabbed my throat, I dangled in the air gasping for breath.

She threw me across the yard and I hit my head on a tree, I got up shaky and stabbed her with one of my arrows, it didn't phase her. She held my throat again, but not lifting me in the air, she stood there with my throat in her hands, I suddenly felt electricity pulse through my body. She smiled a crooked smile and let me drop to the ground, she grabbed my feet and pulled me to the spot where Sam died. I laid there with electricity pulsing through my body, and I couldn't move. She shocked me one last time and my back arched, she shocked me until I couldn't breath.

"Now see who grieves for you when you're gone." She said and walked away laughing. I saw a figure in the distance, two figures in the distance, they were blurry, I suddenly blacked out. I started dreaming, or I think I did.


I was in the woods, I ran and saw myself lying on the ground, I was dying. I seemed older now, I was about twenty or twenty two maybe.

"Grieve for me when I'm gone?" I asked him.

"Like you did for me." Harley replied. He held my hand and they both had rings on their ring fingers, Harley had a band and I had a beautiful diamond ring. I looked at my stomach and I was pre- pregnant? Why did he say that? Did he die to save me? It began to rain and I was fading, older me I mean.

"Is it nice there?" I asked. He nodded.

"It hurts to breath." She said and he smiled.

"I'll see you soon." He said and her body went limp.

*End of dream

I didn't wake at Harley's house, I didn't wake in the woods, I woke in my house, I woke in my room. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the room, I was alone. I changed into a pair of shorts and a crop top and over heard Harley and my mother talking.

"Is she going to wake up?" Mom asked.

"I doubt it, she was shocked with a great amount of electricity." He replied and my mother cried.

"It's like Sam all over again." She said.

"How did this happen?" She asked.

"Katrina shocked her." He explained.

"But that's not possible, she isn't a wolf." She said. Wait, she knows about wolves?! Oh great, just what I need, my mother to worry even more.

"She is, she's a guardian wolf." He added.

"How? I'm a spirit wolf and her father is a shadow wolf." She said. There are too many types of wolves.

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