Adrien frowns at that and Marinette turns around, puts her hands on his shoulder and scoots closer. "I fell in love with him."

Adrien's blushing every shade of red possible, his eyes widening and his heartbeat elevating into a rapid beat.

"I'm so stupid Adrien, you have no fucking idea." She bites her lip. "And I'm still... not over that other guy. Because he's amazing and lovely but I can't be with him either. The world is also going to end."

Adrien opens his mouth and then closes it, and then he opens it again. "Do you... want to elaborate on the world ending part?"

Marinette looks away. "I- Adrien, are you good at keeping secrets?"

"Pretty good, yeah."

There's a weird feeling in her stomach. It borders on excitement and a nervous breakdown and she isn't sure if she likes it or not. She hasn't told anyone since she was 15. It's been two years since she experienced this.

She takes her hands off his shoulders and slumps down, tentatively resting her head on his shoulder. He doesn't seem to mind it.

"I think I'm a really bad person." She starts but Adrien doesn't let her finish.

"You're not. " he denies, "You're an incredible person and you're awesome to be around, Marinette. You're nice and kind and generous. Don't lie and say that you're not."

Marinette laughs but she's sure that she's tearing up a little. "My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, a stressed out aspiring fashion designer who lives in a bakery." she takes a deep breath, "And it's also Ladybug, the protector of Paris."

Adrien turns his head ever so slowly, she looks up and their eyes meet. A dazzling blue to a brilliant green. His lips are parted slightly and she breathes in shortly. There's energy between them and it's not bad. It's a good one. A little secret the two of them have.

"I am hopelessly and desperately in love with a boy that is the coolest person in the entire universe right beside the world's most amazing partner. " Marinette smiles at him. "And I'm talking to him right now."


"And everything I've just said makes me a terrible person because my partner has never gotten to tell this to anyone." her eyes are tearing up. "I can't tell him that I love him because then everything we have ever known will disappear."

"What-?" Adrien's eyes are furrowed and concerned as she speaks.

"Adrien, for months everytime I closed my eyes he was always there. Yelling for me to help him again."

"Marinette," he says firmly and she looks at him. " Who are you talking about?"
There's a dull sound in her voice, like all the light in it was taken away. "Chat Blanc."

There's a silence between them before Marinette finds the courage in herself to continue.

"I know you don't know her but Bunnyx took me to the future right after I left a love letter to you and she said that something catastrophic happened that day that destroyed the future. And so she brought me through a time portal and... oh, it was horrible. Everything was under the sea, and Chat Noir, well, Chat Blanc... he was all alone - waiting for me to come back for him. He tried to take my miraculous to make everything 'right' again. But," she lays her head against his arm, "Then he told me that our love did that to the world and just... everything after that day was different. I couldn't sleep an entire night for months. Everytime I looked at him in that way for too long I'd just remember what would happen if I ever fell and now I have and I don't want to ruin it."

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