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Chapter 5 - Orange

Marinette told Alya the news the next day in her room with the trapdoor locked so that no one heard the girls' conversation. Unfortunately for her, Alya needed her to repeat the very embarrassing sentence way more times than she wanted to before she processed it.

"You're going on a date with Chat Noir." she said for the fifteenth time.

Marinette leaned back in the chair and opened her book, "Yes, Alya. I'm going on a date with Chat Noir."

"He asked you out?"

"Technically I asked Adrien out," she said as she flipped a page.

"ADRIEN'S CHAT NOIR?" She whispered as loud as she could without letting everyone in a fifty-mile radius know, sitting up straight with wide eyes. "When did you find this out?"

Marinette sighed and let the book flop onto her chest. "Chat Noir's not Adrien."

Alya crawled across the chair so that she was beside her, "How are you so sure about that?"

"First of all, it's not even a real date, he's just trying to help me ask Adrien out and, to answer your question, I've seen Adrien and Chat at the same time," Marinette answered, moving over so that she could sit comfortably beside her, "When me and Chat were fighting Adrien's bodyguard I saw him."

"Right," Alya cursed and shuffled so that Marinette was leaning on her shoulder. "Okay, but are you sure that you saw Adrien?"

"Yes, I'm sure." Marinette huffed. She faced Alya exasperatedly who was squinting at her suspiciously.

"Did you see his face?" her friend asked.

"Yes, I—" the answer caught in her mouth as she recalled the day. Marinette blinked and furrowed her eyebrows.

Alya smiled slowly and leaned back. "You didn't see his face!"

"That doesn't change anything!" Marinette squirmed, "Adrien can't be Chat Noir!"

"You're in denial." Alya told her in a sing-song voice, wiggling her eyebrows teasingly.

"Shut up!" Marinette groaned, throwing her book at her. Alya laughed as she stood up and picked it up off the floor. Her eye caught on the clock and she grimaced.

"Gotta go, Mari," Alya said apologetically, giving her the book again and turning on her heel to go down the trapdoor, "See ya!"

"Bye!" she called from her chair.

Marinette watched Alya climb downstairs, her auburn hair disappearing under the floor. She sighed, resting her head on the arm of the chair, and gazed down at the book in her hands.

A Perfect First Date.


A total of two sentences ran through Adrien's head the next day like it was on a marathon. One, 'I'm going on a date with Marinette ohmygodthisissocool' and two, 'ohmygod Marinette is way too cool for me what am I gonna do no—'

This was the worst Saturday of Plagg's life. The kwami rolled his eyes as Adrien went on a rant about everything that could go wrong. Every aspect of their date was planned from the clothes he was going to wear to the exact combination of roses he absolutely needed to give her so that the night went well.

"Right but I can't give her a red rose because that means pure love and she still thinks that I don't know that she's Ladybug and I'm supposed to be only in love with—"

𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐫 | COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now