Opening Night...❥

729 7 12

CW: Spanish, kissing, confusion, slight sh, alcohol

Eck so u go to a dance!

I thought of this at school while at the dentist! (dk why u needed to know that)

Love you all, enjoy!


"Will you be my girlfriend?"


"Hmmp. I'll think about it." you cup George's face.

"Come on, y/n?" George looks at your eyes.

"Let's get some ice-cream!" You get up and walk to the kitchen.

George goes behind you. You pull out Chocolate Ice-cream. You sit on the counter after grabbing a spoon. You open the lid and dig in. "From the pint?" George stands in front of you.

"Mhm." you lick your lips.

"Can I try some?" George goes closer to you.

"Of course, get a spoon."

"Not like that." George takes the ice-cream pint and sets it down beside you. He wraps his hand around your waist and hugs you.

"What do you mean?" You wrap your arms around his neck. With one hand you play with his hair.

"Y/n, did I ever tell you how pretty you are?" George leans in closer, your nose's almost touching.

"Hmm, yeah. You remind me constantly." You tilt your head and stare at his eyes. What a pretty boy.




You both look over at the door. Alex! "Oh. We're you guys doing something?" Alex gets closer to the door. Grabbing the doorknob behind him.

George pulls away and stands behind you. You jump up and go over to Alex. 'Nope! Just talking. What's up?"

"I saw your text." Alex says showing you, his phone.

"Be right back, George." You say leading Alex out the door, closing it.

Alex: Okay wtf was that "He asked me to be his girlfriend." Then I see you two flirting on the counter. DID YOU FUCK? Holy shit. I'm sorry for inter-

Y/n: Haha, no. He asked me and I said idk. Anyways, we were just talking.

Alex: Flirting*

Y/n: talking.

Alex: Sure.

y/n: Anyways I wanted to talk to you.

Alex: What? Is everything okay?

Y/n: Yeah... George asked me to Opening Night.

Alex: Oh, that's fine! I ship you two!

Y/n: I hate you.

Alex: Love you too! Me and Minx are going as group with everyone else.

Y/n: Oh. Well that works. We should get some rest. Love you, Alex.

Alex: Love you more pendeja, goodnight.

Alex hugged you tightly and headed to his dorm.

You walk in George was in his bedroom.

knock.... knock

"Come in." George sets his headphones down.

"George. Are you okay?" You close the door and head to where he is.

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