El Rodeo...❥

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Cw: Drinking. non translated spanish. 

HEYYY so my bipolar ass is loving this story. Laugh out loud.

uhhh alex n u go to a rodeo!

Enjoy qt!


You woke up in Georges arms and immediately wondered where you were at. You had gotten so use to wakening up in your dorm. You almost forgot you were in your room. You got up and put on a random sweater and socks before heading over to Alex's house for breakfast. Senor Maldonado was the only one there today, well besides from Alex of course. Senor Maldonado had bought some Conchas and made coffee for you guys. 

"Y tu novio?" Senor Maldonado asked while sipping his dark drink.
(and your bf?)

"Uhm, esta durmiendo." You grab a napkin.
(hes sleeping)

"Siempre handa durmiendo ese Nino." 
(That kids always sleeping.)

"FOR REAL" Alex yells out finishing his pastry. 

"Ya voy a trabajar. Tu mama ya viene." Senor Maldonado places a gentle kiss on both of your guys' forehead and makes his way out. 

"So.. what to do today?" You look at Alex on his phone.

"Uhm, theres a rodeo we could go to?" Alex turns of his phone and looks at you.

"Yeah, also... I don't want to bring George."

"WHAT? How come???" 

"Idk, we haven't spent much time together since I started dating him. Also, rodeos are our thing. That white kid should..." 



"He should spend the night with your dad!!"

"OMG YES YES!" You slap Alex. "You're a genius!"

"Ow!" Alex rubs his arm.

"Get up crybaby! Let's go pick our outfits out!" 

You guys make you way over to your house first. You pick out a tan top, with lace at the top and some boot-cut jeans with diamonds to decorate the back pockets. You also pick out a belt on some simple earrings. You bring the outfit over to Alex's house and don't even realize George waking up. 

Alex picks out jeans, a white button up, and boots. Ah! can't forget his belt. You guys get your matching hats and as soon as Senora Maldonado arrives, your clothes are being ironed. George walks over and asks what all the rustling is about. You tell him yours and Alex's genius plan. 

Hey everybody! This M officially signing off. Me and the previous owner are no longer friends. I also no longer find intrest in mcyts. Thanks for the incredible amount of support and check out slmvvr for more stories from me. Have an incredible day and enjoy this unf8inished chapter. 

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