The Deal...♥

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CW: cursing, Spanish, drugs


Anyways you and George are always flirting but you don't date, yet!!!

Lava you all!!


"I hear your talented." You look up at him.

"Mhm. In what exactly?" He plays with your hair.

"In various things." You lock eyes with him. "Mind showing me some?" You smile sweetly up at him.

"Sure." He gets up.


He grabs a hoodie and throws it to you. "Put it on. I'm taking you somewhere." You nodded.

He grabs his keys and takes you to his car. You guys didn't have school tomorrow, so it was okay. You head to his car, and he starts driving.

"So where to!?" You notice it's been 15 mins. 

"You'll see." He smiles. 


You arrive at a football field. You see a figure walk up to George's car. George rolls down the window. you hide your face. WAS THIS IDIOT GETTING DRUGS? "Hey man!" The figure shakes George's hand.

"Can we use the field. I want to show y/n something!" George opens the door.

"Hmm?" The figure steps back.

"Oh! This is y/-" George looks back at you. "HAH! Y/n, it's okay. Karl's my friend." He looks back at Karl. "He's like my Alex, besides Dream and Sapnap of course." 

"Oh! About Sapnap. How is he?" Karl looks at you then at George. 

"Gay ass." George sighs a bit." Sapnap's fine. He likes a girl though."

"NO! And What." Karl is very invested in Sapnap.

"I'm kidding. He knows he can't pull, so why simp?" George starts walking towards your door.

"True." Karl follows George. 

George opens your door. "C'mon y/n!" He holds hand out.

"Thanks." You smile awkwardly and get out the car.

Karl gets a football from the back of the car. George let's go of you and starts running towards the field. "400 ALIVE!" Karl throws the ball towards George. George catches it and starts opening the fence to go into field.

"Y/n, right?" Karl walks up to you. 

"Mhm! Nice to meet you." You turn to hug him or shake his hand. He hugs you.

"I see, George actually pulled someone pretty." He smiles at you.

"We're not dating." You take your hoodie down.

"WHAT!?" Karl stops walking. 

"What?" You stop and look at him.

"He never takes random people to this field." He observes you. "He would never even let people into his precious car. Holy shit, he's actually a simp." Karl giggles.

"I'm just that pretty." You flick your hair sarcastically. 

"You are, seriously." Karl starts walking again.

"Thank you!" You smile. "Now, what are we doing here?" You walk behind him.

"Just playing some football. Well, playing catch." He opens the gate for you.

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