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cw:  SMUT, cursing, Spanish, angst, abuse, s3lf harm, s3xual 4ssult,


you visit your dad and Senora Maldonado!!

George surprises u?

Inspired by, 505 -Arctic Monkeys

enjoy, loves<3


You and Alex had visited your dad and Senora Maldonado a couple times now. It had been at least 5 months since you came here.

You had made great friendships, met awesome people, and were doing good in your classes. It was time for a break. Spring Break! A week away from campus.

Still with Alex of course. However, George and you would be separated for an entire week. Oh, em gee!


"You're sure you have everything?" George asks for the millionth time.

"Yes. Stop stalling." You walk to the door. "Babe, I have to go if I want to make it there before the sun goes down." You extend your arms to hug him.

He hugs you and you guys share a kiss.


"EW!" Alex closes his eyes like a child. "Get a fucking room." He pushes George off and nudges him.

"ALEX!" You look at him. "You act like a four-year-old child. Damnit." You walk up to them.

George chuckles. "Okay, you guys should get going." George hugs you again.

"Be back soon, babe." You cup his face and kiss him.

"Alright love birds!" Alex grabs your bags. "Let's go!"

"Only you two are going?" George gives Alex a death stare.

"Hmmp?" You narrow your eyebrows.

"Right!" Alex gulps. "So, use to having yah around." Alex says in a high-pitched voice.

"You two should get going." George pulls away from you.

"Oh." You look at him with a worried look. "Alright. See you Saturday!"

"Mhm." He grins. "Saturday."

Alex and you walk out. George waves and then closes the door behind you two.


knock... knock

Senora Maldonado and Senor Maldonado open the door. "Hijos!" Senor Maldonado hugs you and Alex tightly.

"Hola Mijo, y/n." He cups Alex's face checking if it's okay. "hijo, ¿cómo fue el viaje?" she smiles sweetly.

(Son, how was the trip?)

"Bien." He smiles and starts heading in.

"Y el tráfico?" His dad walks to the kitchen.

"Casi nada." He shrugs a bit

"Voy a Ver a mi papa." You head to the back door.

(I'm going to see my dad.)

"Not without me!" Alex grabs a pan dulce and follows you.


You guys had been there for at least 2 days now. Everything was smooth. Talking to old friends and just hanging out as one big family with the Maldonado's.

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