Chapter Thirty One - Richard

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Tom slammed into the nearby wall, his attacker a blur. He let out a low growl as Destru registered what had happened. "Why're you sulking in the dark, wolf?" a silky voice purred in his ears, his throat crushed by the overwhelming power of his aggressor.

"Looking for the bathroom," Tom wheezed out, struggling to remove the hand from his throat. His back hurt as it pushed against the uneven wall, his feet leaving the floor. This person was strong!

"Put him down, Bloodsucker," Destru growled, unsheathing his sword.

"Twig away first," the vampire growled, his eyes glowing briefly, not taking his eyes off Tom.

Tom heard Destru growling, his sword back in its sheath. He knew vampires had no control over the werewolves. The situation must be worse than he thought, for Destru to do as he was told.

"I'm going to ask one more time," the vampire moved closer to Tom's neck.

Tom grasped at the vampire's arm, trying to find a pressure point that would give him a little relief. His feet kicked against the wall as he tried to find purchase.

"Why're you in the dark?" The vampire's fangs brushed against his skin.

Tom felt the urge to shift. He tried to push it back. He didn't want to draw attention to himself.

"Wilkie," Destru warned.

The vampire zeroed in on Tom, scrutinizing him. "Your kind is supposed to be dead," he released Tom, letting him drop to the floor.

"Well, you missed a few," Tom gasped out, rubbing his neck, standing once again. The vampire clans couldn't touch the Wilkolak families. They had no power over them. That's why they had turned the werewolf tribes against them.

"What is your business here?" the vampire crossed their arms, looking between the two wolves.

"We just want a word with Richard." Destru attempted to move past the vampire, sobered up from their encounter.

"Not so fast," the vampire moved in front of Destru, a blur their eyes could barely comprehend. The vampire pushed Destru against the wall, his face inches from Destru's. The vampire's hand slammed on the wall above his head. "I determine who gets to see him."

Destru gave a warm smile, showing a bit of his teeth. Tom groaned inwardly. He's seen that look before. "Why, Alestat, I didn't know you'd be interested." Destru wiggled his eyebrows in what he claimed was a romantic manner.

Alestat backed away from Destru with his lip curled up in disgust. "Make your meeting fast. He has a busy night ahead of him," Alestat moved to the side, allowing the two wolves in front of him.

"Kindly appreciate it," Destru bowed, removing his hat, making Alestat roll his eyes.

"I'm timing you," Alestat growled, following close behind them.

"Quick as a wink," Destru winked towards the vampire as they rounded a corner in the hallway.

Alestat growled before joining the pair at Richard's table.


Richard looked up from his plate as Destru and Tom sat at his table. "Destru," he paused as he registered the presence. "What's the displeasure?"

Tom looked at Destru, confused. "You know him?"

"Used to be drinking buddies," Destru grinned, leaning back in his chair. "How about a drink for old times' sake?" Destru leaned towards the table. He glanced around to see a lack of waitstaff. "Ah, Al!" Destru called Alestat to the table. "Be a dear and get us a round."

"I don't take orders from you," Alestat grumbled, then turned towards Richard. "Can I get you anything else, sir?"

"A drink sounds good." Richard dabbed at his lips with his napkin. "Go get a round for us."

Alestat scowled at the order. "As you wish," he turned towards the bar and left the trio.

"What can I help you with, Destru?" Richard turned towards the wolves. "You haven't annoyed the wrong people again, have you?" Richard gave a stern look before continuing to eat.

Destru gave an offended look. "As if I would ever-" Destru paused when Richard gave him a hard look. "That was one time." Destru slouched, pouting.

"What-" Tom started, confused. Destru was more like Tess than he had originally thought. Always finding himself in some form of trouble.

"Story for another time," Destru cut him off before turning back to Richard. "I'm here for my friend." Destru gestured towards Tom.

Richard peered towards Tom, chewing thoughtfully. Alestat arrived with a tray of drinks and set them on the table. "Thank you Alestat, that's all we'll be needing."

"Yes sir," Alestat appeared to glide out of the room as he went back to the bar. Tom's ears rotated as he listened to his banter with the bartenders.

"He's a little younger than your other lovers," Richard commented. Tom turned his attention back to the table in shock.

"L-lover?" Tom asked, eyes wide. "To him?"

"I appreciate the flattery," Destru cut in. "But we're not here for your blessing on my relationships." Richard looked deflated at this revelation. "We're here to find out if you know where the Hero's Dias is."

Richard coughed as he took a drink, beer bubbling onto the table from his sudden exhalation of air. "Why would I know about that?" He sat the cup down, dabbing a napkin at his now dripping face.

"If you don't know, then you at least know higher ups that would know," Destru pointed out, unphased.

Richard shook his head, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. "Our only concern is the out-of-control sirens." Richard dabbed at his face. "Is it getting hot in here?" he muttered, pulling at his collar.

"What about sirens?" Tom perked up, nearly launching himself across the table in anticipation.

Richard looked towards Tom, glad for the distraction. "They're sinking ships in the North Sea. None of the sailors have made it back to shore."

"They took my friend," Tom blurted out, hoping to gain sympathy from this man.

"I'm very sorry for your loss," Richard looked at him sadly.

Tom fell back into his chair, defeated. "No," he whispered, tears at the edge of his eyes. "I know she's still alive."

"Oh, come now! Don't be such a Richard!" Destru hit the table with his hand, making the drinks jump. He had been looking forward to getting information.

Richard looked at his drink, wordlessly swirling the contents. After a few moments he looked towards Destru, who was frowning. "The flower fields are beautiful this time of year."

"They're closed," Tom muttered, not looking up. His depression was coming back.

"I wonder if there's a reason they're closed." Richard whispered, before standing up abruptly. "Well, it's been nice catching up with you, Destru. I must head out." Richard put his coat on, then left the table, yelling for Alestat.

"Come lad," Destru nudged Tom. "Lets head back to the ship."

Tom did as he was told, too defeated to argue.

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