Chapter Eighteen - Theo

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Tom pushed his brother off of him. "Theo! Shift!" Tom commanded, trying to take control of his alpha senses with his brother.

Theo continued to snarl and snap his teeth, backing into a wall, his hackles rising. "Tom, look," Tess pointed towards Theo's side. A black thin barb was sticking out of him, hidden by his black fur. "Is he poisoned?"

Theo lunged for Tess, making Tom throw him to the side, shifting as he did so. Tess moved behind him. She didn't want to get between the two brothers. Stay near, Tom instructed Tess. He was planning on pinning his brother to the ground so she could remove the barb.

Theo jumped for Tom's throat once he regained his footing. Tom backed up and batted his brother to the side once more, snapping his teeth as he did so. He was trying to communicate with his brother, but wasn't getting through.

A neurotoxin? Tess mused.

Theo hit the wall as Tom knocked him to the side once more. Tess could almost feel the pain radiating from Tom as he injured his brother trying to pull him back to his senses.

"Tom, stop!" Tess shouted as Theo shifted back into his ten-year-old self. "Theo! Are you okay?" Tess asked, rushing up to his side, trying to check him for injuries.

Theo collapsed against the wall, panting for air, sweat beading at his brow. His brown eyes pleaded with Tess to help him. "I don't want to," Theo cried out as he coughed up some blood. He took the barb from his side and began swinging his arm in Tess' direction.

"Lass, look out!" Destru grabbed Tess from behind, pulling her out of Theo's reach.

Theo fell to the ground, sobbing in pain and defeat, as he gasped for air. The toxin was finishing its work since he was in his human form.

"Theo! Shift!" Tess screamed at him, her heart pounded in fear for his safety. If he shifted back, she might have enough time to find something to heal him with.

"Poor boy," a voice came from a bedroom further down the hallway. Everyone's attention turned to the speaker.

"Witch!" Destru growled, moving Tess behind himself, brandishing his sword. "How dare you destroy this small family."

"I only came for what is mine," the woman walked forward, removing the hood from her head. Her skin shimmered in the dim light. Tom lowered his head, growling as she came closer, unfazed. She smiled, revealing small needlelike black teeth.

Tess gasped as she realized what was happening. "Destru, that's a siren," she whispered, tugging at his coat for his attention. She glanced around for something they could shove into their ears. The bookshelf caught her eye. She rushed over and grabbed a book off the shelf. The Odyssey, how ironic. She started ripping pages out, shoving them at the sailers to put in their ears. Hoping it would be enough to prevent them from falling under the siren's spell.

"Oh, I have no desire to enchant," the siren laughed at Tess' actions. "I only want my priestess," she continued to walk towards Tess, stepping on Theo's wheezing form. Theo let out a pained yelp as his breathing became more labored. He wouldn't last much longer.

"Don't come any closer," Tess warned, trying to keep as much space as she could between her and the siren. Her heart was thumping so fast she felt like it was going to explode. She didn't know who the priestess the siren was referring to was.

The siren didn't take Tess' threat as she continued walking forward. Destru and his men were putting on brave faces, but reeked of fear. The siren used that to her advantage as she continued her slow movement forward. Few people had seen sirens up close and lived to tell the tale. They didn't know what to do.

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