Chapter Eight

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I was sitting in my room, hamster in tow while minding my own business when I hear a huge crash, followed by loud yelling. I sigh, placing Carter back in his cage and head out into the living room. Why couldn't I live in a normal house with normal roommates or just straight up alone?

River and Liam stand in the middle of the kitchen, just screaming at each other. The remains of a coffee mug laid in a pile between them. "Would you just stop bothering me for once?" River yells at Liam. 

"Maybe if you weren't such a huge pushover!" Liam yells back. 

I rub my forehead, already feeling tired. Would they just stop fighting for one day? "Guys." I say but they ignore me. "Guys!" That's when the doorbell rings which, of course, Liam and River continue fighting over. "Oh sure, I'll get it!" I yell at them as I walk back into the living room. "Whatever, I'm sure both of you will change your tune once I sell you on the black market!" I swing the door open, surprised to see who stood on my porch. "Carter?" 

Carter stares at me, her eyes wide and her mouth open. "Kylan, I didn't-" She turns to her friend who I just noticed was standing behind her. Carter whispers something to her before turning back around. "Is a Liam here?" She asks. 

I stifle a laugh. "You want to see Liam? Yeah okay, whatever." I step to the side, allowing them room to enter. "Come in. Liam!" I yell. There was no reply but I could still hear River and him fighting in the kitchen. "Excuse me." I say, offering Carter a force grin. 

I step into the kitchen, smacking both Liam and River in the back of the head before grabbing Liam's arm and yanking him into the living room. "Ow! Hey, what are you-?" Liam pauses when he sees Carter and her friend. "Hey babe, I didn't think you were going to call me back." He says.

Carter flashes him a weird look but her friend steps forward. "Can we talk alone?" She asks Liam. 

Liam flashes her a flirty grin. "Sure babe, we can head to my room." He reaches his hand out to her and she quickly takes it.

I watch them disappear into the hallway and that's when it hits me. "No freaking way." I say, grabbing Carter's arm. "Liam is her baby daddy?" I whisper to her. 

Carter shrugs. "Apparently. I guess it's a small world." She whispers right back. 

"What's going on?" River mumbles as he walks out of the kitchen. "Who are these people?" 

"This is Carter. Carter, River." I say, nodding at her and then gesturing to River. "Liam is in his room with his girlfriend, talking about something I have no knowledge on." 

River offers Carter a tired smile. "So this is the infamous Carter?" He asks. 

Carter glances up at me, a smile touching her lips. "I suppose I am." 

I roll my eyes at her before turning back to River. He seemed to be really tired lately and the circles under his eyes were getting more noticeable with each day. "Hey Riv, have you been sleeping lately?" I ask him. 

River shrugs. "I've been staying to study for school but I've been trying to get as much as possible." He says. "Okay, enjoy your time with human Carter, I'm going to crash for a couple hours before class." He does a salute before heading into the hallway. 

"He's weird." Carter mutters to me. 

"He's going through some things...I think, he hasn't told me." I tell her. "So Lizzie is pregnant? How did that go over?" I ask. 

Carter exhales slowly. "It involved a lot of crying and a possible panic attack by me. Also her full name is Elizabeth, just so you know before she kills you for calling her Lizzie." 

"Good to know." I say. "I wonder how Liam will to react to becoming a father." I mumble. 

"What do you mean?" Carter asks me, flashing me a concerned look. 

I laugh awkwardly. "Liam's not really the...most responsible person. He prefers not to have any responsibilities, I don't think he's had a job in years." 

"Isn't he helping to pay mortgage?" Carter asks me. 

I clear my throat. "Ah no. Wanna meet my hamster?" I ask her. 

Carter narrows her eyes and tilts her head as she studies me. "But you still let him live here? Doesn't it bother you that he's not trying to help out?" She questions. 

"I have the money. Now come on, you have to meet hamster Carter." I grab her hand and drag her into my room. "There he is, in all his glory." I grab her shoulders to position her in front of Hamster Carter's cage. 

Carter swats my hands away as she turns to look at me. "Does he at least pitch in for groceries and stuff?" 

I sigh. "No Birdy, he doesn't." 

"Then he must be a decent friend if you let him stay here for free." She says. 

I laugh, taking a seat on my bed. "Decent would be an overstatement...but yeah, I mean he's my friend, what am I supposed to do? Let him live on the streets?" I rustle my hair, feeling slightly awkward. 

"So he's not a good friend." Carter states. 

I glance up at her. She was lost in thought, chewing on her lip. "You're judging me." I laugh again. 

Carter brings her eyes to mine, shaking her head aggressively as a blush flushes her cheeks. "No I wasn't, I seems you're a bit of a..." She trails off. 

I move back to my feet. "I'm what?" I ask her. 

Carter shakes her head again, looking down at her feet. "Nothing." 

I step towards her. "No, what were you going to say?" Carter looks back up, her eyes widen when she notices I moved in front of her. "I promise I won't get mad." I tell her. 

Carter huffs. "Fine, you're a bit of a...pushover." She ducks her head down and I could notice even her ears were turning red. 

"You're very easily flustered." I say in a soft mumble. Carter lifts her head, her face almost as red as a beet. I tilt my head as I study her eyes. "Hey Birdy..." 

"Kylan." I hear Liam call and then my door swings open with Liam and Elizabeth standing on the other side. Liam glances between me and Carter. "Whatcha doing stud?" He asks. 

"Learning some harsh truths about myself apparently." I say, giving Carter a teasing look. "Do you need something Liam?" I ask.

"Uh yeah, I'm taking Liz out for dinner, just letting you know." He says. I pause. Wait, that's it? He's not going to ask for money or anything? Well, I'm pleasantly surprised. "I'll see you later tonight." 

"You'll be okay Carter?" Elizabeth asks, clinging to Liam's arm. 

Carter nods. "I'll be fine. Have fun, Lizzie." 

Once they close my bedroom door, I snap my head back to Carter. "So have you made up your mind on going out with me and River?" I ask. 

Carter smiles at me. "I thought it was supposed to be you, me, River and Liam?" 

I give a half shrug. "Change of plans. What do you say?"

Carter frowns. "I don't think I'm probably dressed for it." She says, gesturing to her sweater vest and button down shirt. 

"You look great Birdy. You got this cute preppy thing going on." I tell her. 

Carter grins, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "Really?" 

I couldn't resist smiling back. She just looked so cute. "Yeah, it suits you." 

Carter looks down at her clothes, studying them for a moment before glancing back up at me. "Thanks Bruno." 

I clap my hands together. "So what do you say? Dinner and then we go judge some young people at the club?" 

Carter giggles. "Sounds fun, let's do it." 

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