I turn and see Elise and Alexander. Elise was wearing a tight off the shoulder blue dress with her hair up in a bun, her make up was smokey and her lips red. Alexander was wearing a black suit. I smile and hug them.

"You look lovely." Alexander says, smiling.

"Thank you." I smile.

"Jeremiah told us what happened, you met Addison and your biological father. How was that?" Elise asks.

"I'm not, they both aren't my parents. Yes they are my biological parents, but you guys raised me, fed me, and kept a roof over my head. Yes we faced hard times, but you two are more parents than anything. I love you both."

"We love you too." Alexander says, hugging me again as Morgana walks in.

"Sorry to interrupt, but you need the veil and crown on. You have to be out back in ten minutes."

"Okay." I say, as Morgana helps me put the veil on as well ast the crown, "Mom? Dad?" I asked.

"Yes?" They ask.

"Ready to walk me down the aisle?"

"Of course." They say, both taking an arm and leading me out of the room.

"Do you, Alpha King Jeremiah Joseph Throndsen take this woman to have and to hold, until death do you part?"

"I do."

"Do you, Luna Zelda Faye Throndsen take this man, to have and to hold, until death do you part?"

"I do."

"With the power invested in me, as well as the council, I would like you to be introduced to Mr. and Mrs. Throndsen. You may kiss the bride." I smile as Jeremiah lifts the veil and kisses me, causing the crowd to go wild, "Now before we go to celebrate, we are also here to make Luna Throndsen the Queen of the Werewolves, would Alensia Lucason please step forward." I watch as Alensia walks up in front of me and everyone backs away. I cross my hands infront of my and smile at her.

"I thank everyone who came here today! I'm councilwoman, Alensia Lucason. Today I have the honor to crown the next Queen of the Werewolves." She looks down at me, "Luna Zelda Throndsen. Do you solemnly swear to try and protect each and every werewolf, as long as you shall reign?"

"I do, solemnly swear."

"Do you solemnly swear that you will help the King protect his pack along with helping the King to govern all werewolves?"

"I do, solemnly swear."

"Now, King Jeremiah Throndsen, please step forward." I watch as Jeremiah walks over next to me, "Use this knife, cut your hand." Jeremiah cuts his hand and hands the knife to me. I slowly cut my hand, "Please hold your hands together." I take Jeremiah's injured hand in mine, "King Jeremiah Throndsen, do you accept Luna Zelda as your queen?"

"I do." He says.

"Luna Zelda Throndsen, do you accept King Jeremiah Throndsen as your king?"

"I do." I say, smiling.

"Then with my power as councilwoman, I introduce you to QUEEN Zelda Throndsen!"

"LET'S GET IT!" I laugh when I see Miles clapping, "Sorry, love you!"

"Everyone gives a round of applause for Mr. and Mrs. Throndsen."

"Is this everything you ask for?" Jeremiah whispers as everyone is eating dinner at our reception.

"Of course." I smile, as he hugs me.

"I honestly couldn't ask for more." He says, smiling big.

"Same here." I say, resting my head on his shoulder, "I know whatever happens with Luciana, Ember, or any other kids in our future, we will fight through it."

"You want more kids?" Jeremiah asks.

"Yes, of course!" I smile, "Do you do?"


"What?" I asked, "Are you serious?" I ask, sitting up.

"No." He laughs, "Of course, I want more kids with you."

"Thank god." I laugh.

"Speaking of kids, how many do you want?" He asks.

"I don't know." I say, "Just enough to make a great family."

"So how many?" He asks.

"Like I said, babe enough to make a great family."

"So like thirteen more kids?"

"You want me to look seventy six by the time I'm thirty?" I asked.

"Never mind." He says.

"That is what I thought." I say, as I see my father--Alistair grabbing a microphone, "Oh gosh."

"Hello everyone. My name is Alistair, and I'm Zelda's father." He says, looking at me, "What to say about this couple that not everyone knows? Well I've only just met Zelda today and I can tell just how much they love each other. You two were made for each other. In case some of you do not know, I am the first vampire." He pauses, "I am here to say I am truly sorry for all the pain I caused everyone. The thing is, Vampires and Werewolves have been at war since the beginning of time. I say it's enough. No more wars against the species, because we both have something pure and amazing to take care of..." I start tearing up, knowing what he is about to say, "That is my granddaughter, Luciana. She is an amazing creature, both vampire and werewolf. So this means we must work together to protect this beautiful girl. So for my gift, to the newly weds, I am ordering all vampires to stop attacking any werewolves. As the new queen of wolves arises, it'll dawn a new age with vampires and werewolves. Alpha and King Throndsen, I hope you accept this."

"I do." He says.

"Well, to the Throndsens!"

"DAD!" I called out, racing after my father and mother, who were leaving.

"Yes Zelda?" He asks, turning to face me.

"That was an amazing speech." I say.

"I'm turning over a new leaf." He says.

"I hope so, which is why I need to ask you."

"What is it?"

"Luciana is supposed to have vampire training, so you know... get control over that side. I hope you can train her?"

"Why not Lucian?" He asks.

"It's because he has someone and a son..." I say.

"I see." He says.

"What do you say?"

"I will help train Luciana."

Okay everyone! The next chapter is the last. I just wanted to say, this book was so fun to make. I cannot wait for you all to read the next book. Which is about Luciana (which is almost done//just because I thought I finished publishing this). I'm also even preparing the third and final (maybe) of the series! PLEASE KEEP TUNING IN!

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