1: Sudden Decision

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Aria POV:

"Good evening family".

I greeted while heading to the small dinning room we had opposite the living room. The only thing that separated our living room from the dinning room was a fancy silk curtain.

"Good evening love, how are you doing?" Mother asked sitting on the dinning room chair close to father with a blank expression.

"I'm cool. Where's Michael?" I asked.

"He isn't back from work yet". Father answered.


To clear your confusion friends. My name is Aria Daniel and I'm from a family of 4. We aren't that rich neither are we poor. In our today's world we use donkeys for transportation only the royal families and nobles uses carriages and horses. We peasants wear silk, sack and other old fashioned wears while the royalties and nobles wears chiffon, cotton and other expensive wears.

The peasants doesn't mingle with the royalties neither do we have any thing to do with the nobles. Peasants marries peasants, nobles marries nobles and finally royalties marries royalties very simple and precised.

Coming down to my simple family I am the second child and also the only daughter of my parents. I've got an elder brother called Michael Daniel and he works as a Carpenter as his profession, he is quite popular in the village for his creativity. My father is a wine producer and the village loves the taste of his wine. My mother is a baker and she sells her bakeries to different restaurants and homes. And I Aria Daniel is a school nurse, yeah I'm the only person who studied science than go for art. I work in a close by school clinic and take good care of the students and teachers, every one knows me for the kind treatment I render to them.

That's all you can know about me and my family and we are always happy.

"Aria where is your mind?" Father asked with an annoyed expression.

"I apologise for such behaviour". I replied.

"There's something we want to discuss as a family but we'll have to wait for your elder brother ". Father said calmly.

"Why do we have to wait for him". I asked simply.

Is not like my big bro isn't part of the family or maybe you're thinking I dislike my bro but no, I just had to ask, it was unusual for him to say so.

"Because this might be the last time we'll discuss as a family". Mother replied care freely.

"Why?" I asked just immediately as curiosity took over my mind.

Why are the both of them talking in simple riddles I don't still understand.

"Let your brother return first". Father answered.

"Okay". My mind answered while I stared at them with little annoyance.

Speaking of the devil he arrived and went straight into the kitchen washed his hands and sat down on his normal spot and started eating his meal. I never took time to study the food in front of me. It was spaghetti and stuck fish my brother's favorite.

"So who is telling Her?" My brother asked nonchalantly.

"Son be careful the way you throw out messages". Father spoke as coldness laced out from his voice.

"I'm not telling her anything either". Mother spoke openly.

What the hell are this people trying to tell me. Their attitude this evening is so off.

"What is that you all want to tell me?" I asked sounding calm.

My father gets annoyed by everything, which is unusual, mother is being too calm and nonchalant, my brother is also acting strange and lastly I'm just a confused person all at once.

The Royal Maid ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz