4: First Day Of Training

Start from the beginning

Ren: "look I know I-"

Michael: "you froze up, it happens, but you can't do that without relaying that to the team... Otherwise they'll think everything is fine."

Ren: "I can't be the pointman, I'm just not made for it." He says being honest as Fuyuko touches his shoulder.

Fuyuko: "anyone can be a pointman, you just gotta require some finesse and quick thinking." She says while Lincoln is busy talking with Brodie.

Brodie: "sir I-"

Lincoln: "I don't wanna hear it Brodie, you need to keep that temper in check, for god's sake you're getting angry just cause someone talked back to you." He says as Brodie sighs looking down.

Brodie: "I knew this whole international team thing was a stupid idea."

Lincoln: "MacLeod it's only the first day, I thought you scots were tougher and a lot more cooperative." Knowing that'll get Brodie motivated.

Brodie: "we are sir." He says giving his full attention.

Lincoln: "then prove it." He says as they see Ren approaching.

Ren: "just an idea, but instead of skipping to the last door, we do each one at a time."

Brodie: "problem is the dobbers in the other rooms will rush out or fire through the doors which puts everyone at risk." As Ren sees why they skipped ahead.

Ren: "can't shoot through the door, too risky at hitting a civilian." He says trying to think of a solution.

Leonard: "what about mobile cover? someone can place it before the doorway blocking any shots."

Lincoln: "there ya go." He says in agreement as they head to reset again as Erik and Owen breach the door as Lincoln leads the team inside as they check their corners eliminating any hostiles and avoiding civilian targets. "Doors up head." He says stacking up on the last door with Daniel as Brodie places down mobile before the door. "you're all set mates."

Ren nods as he and Hideo breach the first room clearing it out as Leonard and Hernandez stack up on the second door. Erik shoots out the hinges for them as Leonard sidekicks the door open as they clear it of hostiles.

Michael: "good job, on you Turner." He says as Brodie readies his M870 as Daniel opens the with Brodie blasting a hostile target with his shotgun with Daniel and Lincoln entering and clearing.

John: "there we go." He says glad to see this as the ops are exiting the scenario. "you guys adjusted well, you're free for today." He says leaving as the ops scatter into their groups.

Ren: "hey MacLeod, what does dobber even mean?" He asks out of genuine curiosity.

Brodie: "heh... Take a guess."

Ren: "it sure as hell ain't appropriate that's for sure." He says as Brodie chuckles a bit.

Brodie: "it means penis." He replies as Ren is in bewilderment.

Ren: "the hell?"

Daniel: "Spend enough time with us and you'll learn a lot of interesting words... Hell you might even pick up an accent if you're lucky." He jokes as Ren shakes his head.

Ren: "I hope not, I can barely understand what the fuck you're saying now." He jokes as Fuyuko decides to chime in.

Fuyuko: "hey there's a plus side, we probably couldn't understand you if you picked up one of their accents." She teases like a big sister would as Ren hates this.

Owen: "well today wasn't too bad."

Ivelisse: "I guess, can't say I'm surprised there's already drama between the team." She says sitting on a crate.

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