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     I woke up in my bed. What how did I get here? I shrugged and jumped into the shower. My mind wandered and I sat in the bottom of the shower, letting the water fall on me like raindrops falling on glass. It soothed me and I felt all my tension fall away.
     After I was shriveled up like a raisin. I stepped out and ruffled my feathers. I threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. My guarded face came up and I walked downstairs. I'm met by the sight of EJ shirtless and Sally prancing around the living room. What? "Sally give me back my hoodie," he said, getting frustrated. "I don't have it." I could've sworn I saw a vein burst. "Sally just cause I have no eyes doesn't mean I'm blind. I know you have it." She giggled and continued on her path around the living room.
     Sally didn't see me as I crept into the room. I wrapped her with my left wing and she squealed. EJ started to tickle her and her laughter filled the air. Once she realized the only thing keeping her there was the hoodie, she quickly weaseled out and ran down the hall. EJ pulled it over his head. "I know for sure that you have more than that one hoodie," I said pulling my wing back against me. He shrugged," This one's my favorite." There all the same but I didn't say anything. I nodded and we walked into the kitchen.
     My stomach was growling as I made myself a blood smoothie. Saw was outside playing with Smile and Saw. I took a sip and I was in heaven. EJ chuckled at me and we sat at the table, he had a kidney in his hand. We didn't talk much but the silencers comfortable. That is until BEN came in and started to talk nonstop. EJ and I looked at each other and we snuck out the kitchen. "Want to hang out in my room?" EJ asked quietly. I nodded, it would be a change of pace.
    I didn't know EJ had had a game system in his room. He set up a game in the Xbox and we went from there. We were tired and it was starting to get late, I was fighting to stay awake. EJ went to go and smack BEN for barging in his room and I was laying on the floor. My eyelids shut and I fell asleep.

    After successfully smacking BEN, I made my way back to my room. Luka was passed out on my floor and I watched him for a few minutes. He was cute but he would never be mine. I gently picked him up and placed him on my bed. I wouldn't be sleeping tonight, so he was okay. His hand curled around his head and his breathing blew his hair from his face.
     I sighed and sat at my desk. My latest sketch lay on top. I put it away and pulled out a new piece of paper, my hand immediately started to draw. I found myself glancing at Luka, I was drawing him. And it was pretty damn good.
     Guess I was wrong, I felt myself start to waiver so I stopped on the drawing and stretched as I stood from my desk. I was too tired to move Luka to his room so I just crawled in next to him after pulling my shoes and mask off. My eyelids shut and I fell asleep.

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