Episode 4: The Long Trek

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After a couple hours of walking I come upon a decent looking house with a garage. I make my way to the front door and find it unlocked. I head inside the house to see it in mostly good condition. None of the furniture is overturned and it looks like some people just left in a hurry. I walk throughout the house and hear a crash upstairs. I draw my machete and make my way up the stairs.

I quietly open up one of the doors to hear panicked voice yell, "Don't come any closer." I open up the door all of the way and see a woman shakily pointing a gun towards me. I sheath my machete and put my hands up.

"I'm not gonna hurt you." I say, keeping my hands raised. I hear a noise behind me and turn around just in time to see a man with an axe swing at me. I duck, just barely dodging the axe that makes contact with the doorframe. I rush towards the assailant, pinning him against the wall with one hand and making him let go of the axe.

"I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU!" I yell out loudly.

The woman comes out of the bedroom and points her gun at me. I notice that she is still shaky so I use my free hand to grab the gun and yank it sideways. She tries to pull the trigger but it doesn't budge. I kick out her knee and wrestle the gun out of her hands. I let go of the man and walk backwards pointing the gun at them. I notice that the safety was off and the gun was not primed so I turn off the safety and rack the slide.

Both the woman and man turn around and look at me in fear as I ask, "Why did you attack me?"

"Just get it over with." The man says.

"What?" I ask

"Just kill us already." The woman says.

"I said that I didn't want to hurt you." I reply.

They just stare in silence. I look at them for a moment before I put the gun in my waistband and start to back away. I go down the stairs and into the garage. I see a relatively new Dodge pickup. I check around the truck and open up the hood. Everything looks good so I open the door. I check around the cab and find the keys in the cupholder. I attempt to start the truck and it roars to life.

There is nearly a full tank of gas and there is no check engine light. I step out to open the garage and I see the man and woman peeking around the corner. They scared me a bit and they come out into the open.

"We're sorry for attacking you. There have been some bad people in the area and they have attacked us before." The woman says.

"Don't worry about it, do you want the gun back?" I ask.

"It would be better for you to keep it, neither of us know how to use it." The man says.

"Oh, well ok. You said that there are bad people around, who are they?" I ask.

"They are from a place called Crawford. It is in Savannah. They only take in the people who are strong. If you have any disease, they either kill you or throw you out. If you are too young or too old they will kick you out as well." The woman says.

"Shit, my people were headed to Savannah, I need to go warn them. I know you don't like those Crawford people, but you are welcome to tag along if you would like." I say, starting to panic.

"No, we will just stay here. We have all of the food we need and it is reasonably safe, but thank you! You can take the truck, we only just found this place a few hours ago." The woman replies.

I nod and I open up the garage. I step into the truck and start to drive down the road. I am driving for a good few hours before it gets dark. I drive a little off the road and head to sleep.

I am awoken in the night to a bang on the door. I jolt upward and see that is just a walker. I look at the display on the dash and it says that it is 4 AM. I start up the truck and continue on my way.

It is about 9 AM when I make it to Savannah. The roads on the way are horribly blocked, but I am able to go offroad through most of it. When I get into the neighborhoods, the roads are basically empty of vehicles and walkers. I drive around a while before I see some figures hiding next to a pile of garbage. I pull the truck into an alley and quietly make my way toward the garbage pile slowly. I have my pistol in my right hand and machete in my left. I see hear a little bit of whispering and I jump around the corner with my gun raised.

I sigh in relief when I see the familiar faces. Lee, Kenny, Omid, Christa, and Ben are sitting there looking a bit terrified and confused.

"You're alive!" Omid says.

I lower my gun and let out a breath I have been holding.

"Well, how is that for luck. Is Clementine ok?" I ask, concerned.

"There's a lot of things that have happened the past ten minutes. Clementine went missing, and I got bit." Lee says with a frown.

I look down at Lee's arm, there is a teeth imprint in his wrist. "Damn, it just keeps getting worse." I groan. "Do you have an idea where Clem is?" I ask.

"There has been a strange man talking to Clementine through her walkie talkie. We thought it was broken, but it just came to life."

"Shit, did he say where he was?" I ask.

"No, but before she went missing, we found a man who wanted to take her off of our hands. His name was Vernon, and he was at a group in the hospital." Christa said.

"What are we gonna do about Lee's bite? I'm sorry Lee, but I need to prioritize Clementine right now." I say with a grim expression.

"I'm gonna come with you, We need to make sure she makes it out." Lee says.

I smile at him. "Thanks man, it means a lot. Who else wants to come?"

"We need to make sure Clementine is OK. We have to stick together on this one, so we are gonna come with." Christa replies.

Kenny smiles at me and says, "After everything you have done for me, with Duck and all, I need to do this so we can get even." Kenny jokes.

"I don't know, what if I fuck something up just like everything else I have done? I feel like I might fuck it up, but at the same time I feel like I need to redeem myself." Ben says.

I look at him with concern. I have gotten over him giving away the supplies at this point, but he still isn't the best to bring with. I think for a moment but decide that he should come. "Come with us Ben, we could use the extra hands." I say.

Ben smiles at me.

"I found a truck, we could take that, or we could go on foot." I say.

"The area around the hospital is too crowded. We are gonna have to go on foot." Lee says.

We all nod and head off towards the hospital.

We head in towards the sewer and Lee takes point. Lee busts down a door but nobody is there.


We check around the area but nobody is there. Lee leans down on one of the tables and just sits there for a moment. Just as we are about to do something, Clementine's voice echoes throughout the radio.


"Clementine, are you alright? Where are you? Vernon you son of a bitch!" Lee shouts.

"Hello Lee." An unfamiliar voice calls.

"Who is this?"

"It's not Vernon if that's what you're thinking. And you should really watch your tone. Clementine is fine, but if I were you I would choose my next words very carefully."


This is by far the shortest episode, coming in a a little under 1400 words. I didn't like writing this one too much and didn't have any good ideas.

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