Episode One: When the Dead Started Walking

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Lee POV:

It all happened so fast. One moment I was on the back of a police cruiser awaiting my trial, the next I was lying unconscious in a foreign territory.

"He's waking up!" Announced a deep voice.

"Should we bash his head in?" Asked a feminine voice. As I came to my senses I opened my eyes to see a woman with blond hair standing behind an average height man with red hair. The man was holding a 2x4 over his head, ready to strike.

"NO, WAIT!" I yell, terror in my voice.

The woman jumps at the sudden loud noise and the man tenses up. "You aren't bit, are ya?" The man asked.

"Bit? What do you mean bit?" I say, confused.

"You know, bit... by the monsters outside?" The woman asks.

My eyes adjust to the light and I look around. I'm in an oddly familiar drug store. I see a few scared looking people around me. Some are brandishing weapons or firearms, others are huddled in groups or crying. I count 15 people in total. As I look around I see a little girl In a corner, leaning against a man. The girl was wearing a blue baseball cap with a d and the man was wearing a red flannel shirt, with blue jeans. The man had a shotgun sitting next to him. The man didn't look like a father or a brother. He was Caucasian and looked to be 20 at most. The girl was of slightly darker skin, and had an Asian complexion. I saw them talking to each other, before getting snapped back into reality by the woman.

"Helloooo, are you in there?" The woman said, sarcastically.

"Oh, sorry, what do you mean monsters?" I said with a questioning expression.

"You haven't seen outside, have you?" She asks, holding her hand out. I take it, as she guides me over to the window. It is covered in boards and what looks to be a sheet draped over it.

The woman lifts up the sheet as I peer outside. The street was a mess. There were wrecked cars and what looked to be dead people walking around. "Oh my god..." I say, at a loss for words. I recognize where I am now. The family store.

"We've been hiding here for the past day. This whole thing has been one big mess. The dead started walking and eating people, saw them eat my pa right in front of me." She says with a grimace.

"Wow, just... wow. Well, thanks for saving me..." "Rebecca, the man who was going to bash your brain in was Brian."  She says, glancing over to the redhead.

"I'm Lee."

"And I didn't save you, he did." She stated pointing to the man next to the girl. As I look at him closer I notice splotches of blood on his shirt and pants.

"Brian and I run this place, or I at least keep everybody in check and try to keep them calm. We have a lot of shit on our plate. Anyways, I have a few matters to attend to. There isn't much to do except to wait for the military to roll around. The best you can do is make some friends. Maybe go say thanks to the guy who saved you." She says, walking off.

I make my way over the the man and the girl. The man notices me and gives me a light smile. The girl looks a little bit scared, but calms down when I smile back and wave. "Didn't think you would ever wake up." The man says with a chuckle.

"Well, I am a heavy sleeper." I joke back.

He smiles at me and gestures for me to sit down. The girl is hiding behind him, shyly. "I'm Jayden, but most call me Jay. And this, is Clementine" He says, looking down at the girl.

"Lee." I reply.

"Now, I don't mean to pry, but what were you doing in the back of a cop car?" He says, concerned.

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