Episode 5: Armed with Death

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Jay's POV

"What do you want from me?" Lee questions.

"I want you to stop hurting people, Lee. This wasn't a kidnapping." The voice says.

"Then what is it?"

"A rescue."

The radio cuts off and I say, "He better not hurt her."

"How is the arm, Lee?" Kenny asks.

"Not great. My head is hot and it is thumping a little." Lee replies.

Walkers start to fill in from the wandering horde above and they start to pour through the sewer. Kenny and I close the door as Lee looks for a way out. Lee manages to get the door open before he passes out.

We lift him up onto one of the tables.

"What if we cut it off? It might stop him from turning." Kenny says.

"Maybe... it might be worth a shot." Christa says.

"But what if it doesn't work? He already says that he feels his head pounding and it's hot, what if it has spread past the arm?" I say.

Kenny holds a handsaw up against Lee's arm, but before he can cut, Lee yells, "Woah, what the fuck are you doing?"

"We were gonna cut your arm off. We thought it might stop the infection." Kenny says.

"Do you want to do it? To cut your arm off?" Omid asks.

Lee thinks for a moment. "No, we leave it. It probably has already spread past the arm, so what good would it do now?"

"Ok, lets just get to the roof." Christa says.

We climb up to the roof without issue. We look around and see the thousands of walkers filling the streets below. The roof says 'NO HELP' in white paint. There is a small bell tower next to the hospital.

"We could use that bell tower to draw the walkers away from the mansion and to the other side of the hospital." Lee says.

"That might work, just need to get over there." Christa replies.

We look around for a little bit and I go to talk to Kenny. 

"See anything?" I ask.

"No, I was actually just taking a minute. I'm sorry, I know now is not the time, but I needed it."

"No, it's okay. You lost a lot just a few hours ago. Sometimes you need a minute." I reply.

Kenny just looks at me and nods. Lee and I look around a while longer. We end up finding a ladder and we use it to make a bridge to the other side. Lee makes a makeshift bridge to the bell tower. He climbs it, and rings the bell. We rush back to the mansion.

I wander off and start to pace around the yard, nervously. I zone out all of the conversations and am just staring blankly. I am brought out of my daze when walkers start to bang on the fence. Everybody rushes inside and we push ourselves against the door. Lee finds a cleaver and starts to hack off the arms of the walkers. The door thrusts forward slightly and I lose by grip and grab on to the edge of the door. My fingers were around the edges of the door and Lee swings the cleaver down, cutting off both a walker's arm and my pinky and ring finger on my left hand.

"Shit- I'm sorry!" Lee staggers out.

We manage to get the door closed and I clutch my hand in pain. "AHH, FUCK!" I yell out.

"I'm sorry- I just swung and didn't see your hand." Lee replies.

I wince at the pain but can't bring myself to be too angry. "It's ok, I'll be fine."

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