Episode 3: All I've Got

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One month later

Jay's POV:

"You think we left anything back at the pharmacy?" Kenny asked.

"Maybe, we got out of there in a hurry." Lee replied.

"I think we should check it out, you remember how many supplies we got out of that 7/11? There's no way we went through all of it in half a day." I say.

We head up towards the pharmacy to see a disaster. There were military vehicles crashed outside, and a helicopter where the roof once was.

"That explains the gunshots." Kenny said.

"I don't think that the military is gonna come anytime soon." I say.

"No, probably not." Lee said with a saddened expression.

We look around and decide to climb over a trailer. Lee boosts me up and I pull Kenny up, but before I can pull Lee up it gets suddenly hard to breath.

"Hey man, you okay?" Kenny asks.

"Shit... my asthma is acting up." I choke out in between labored breaths.

"Is there anything I can do?" Kenny asks.

"If you can get inside the pharmacy... see if there is any inhalers." I manage to get out.

I prop myself up against the wall as Kenny makes his way into the store. Lee manages to get up the trailer. I am struggling to control my breathing and am starting to lose consciousness.

Kenny burst out of the store with a boatload of supplies. He climbs on the trailer and drops the bag down.

"No inhaler... great." I groan out.

"You gonna be ok?" Kenny asks.

"I just need to get my breathing under control... then I'll just sit here a while. Get back to the motel... there's nothin' ya can do to help me." I say.

Kenny starts to disagree, buy Lee nods and pulls him away.

I sit there for the next few hours, drifting in and out of consciousness, before I finally get up and decide to head home. It is still hard to breath, so I avoid any walkers.

I finally make it back to the motel and I try to tell the guard to open the gate but it only comes out as a whisper. I Start to bang on the gate to get their attention.

The gate opens and I see Carley pointing a gun at my head. She widens her eyes and lowers the gun.

"Shit, I'm sorry, you scared me!" She apologized.

"Don't worry 'bout it." I say.

"You okay?" She asks, concerned.

"Just a little tired, is all." I reply.

I make my way inside. Lee and Kenny approach me.

"You doing okay now?" Kenny asks.

"I'll be okay." I say, my voice barely above a whisper.

I go to my room, and see Clementine sleeping peacefully on one of the beds. I lazily walk to the other bed, only to fall on it and fall asleep nearly instantly. I was exhausted.

Clementine wakes me up in the morning, looking very giddy.

"Why didn't you tell me you got back?" She asks with a frown.

"Well, you looked like you were sleeping nicely." I say with a smile.

She gives me a playful shove and we walk outside. I notice my breathing is better. Lee and I have gotten pretty close over the months. He's more like a dad to me and Clem than our actual dad was. He looks over Clementine like she is his daughter.

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