Do You Believe That Your World Stops When You're In Love?

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"It's spring again! My favorite season has come!" said Therese. 

"Good Noon, Therese! Sorry, I'm late, caught up a problem at home." Andre said.

"That's alright, but why don't we take our breakfast first? I'm getting really hungry." Therese replied.

Chews slowly, "Quick question." Andre said. "Do you believe in the saying that your world stops when you're in love or when you've fallen for that person?" She added.

"That saying?!" Therese laughed "Oh no no I don't, why in the world would you believe that your world stops when you fell in love. People are only saying that to express their dramatic love encounter." Therese chuckles.

"I knew that you were going to say that...well that's probably because you haven't experienced it yet." Andre jokingly said.

"Well, you're right also but have you experienced it?" Therese asked.

"Yes! To my first love...the time when he invited me to go out with him. Then suddenly my world stopped. To the point, I didn't even get bothered by our surroundings. All I see and feel is him and my heart beating so fast." Andre stated. "But unfortunately we weren't meant to be..." Andre added.

"That...somehow sounds great to feel. But I still don't believe, not unless I experienced it myself." Therese said.

Andre laughs "Is your motto, to see is to believe?"

Therese laughs "Well I believe it is". 


Aggressively opens the door, "Good Morning, Pancake!!" Francis shouted.

"Could you knock or lower your voice, you're ruining my morning." Lucas annoyedly said.

"Awhh pancake, I'm just here to have a chat." 

"We have no business here so get out." said Lucas.

"Please don't kick me out, I promise I'll behave!" Francis said jokingly.

Lucas sighed, "What do you want?"

"Nothing just a chat about life. So how's your love life going? Do you have a secret girlfriend? You seem very glowing today huh." 

"Nothing new, and I told you that I'm not interested in relationships." Said Lucas.

"Awhh why are you so bitter in love, one day you'll definitely fall in love and be crazy over a girl."

Lucas chuckled, "Really, how so? All girls today are dating for money and fame. I'll never fall for that."

"Not all Lucas. If you meet your future wife I'm sure that you'll go crazy about her. No matter what she does you'll be feeling butterflies for her~". 

"I'm not like you Francis, when you fall in love...your so-called world stops and your heart starts beating fast until you turn into a red tomato."

"Well, you will never know...You might experience that too. So good luck, call me if you've finally found the person who'll make you feel like that too. Love you, Bye pancake!" Francis said as he leaves the office. 

"This punk, I shall blacklist him from entering here." said Lucas out of annoyance. "But, will I ever experience that? If so I would like to experience it while I'm still young" Lucas added with a chuckle. 


Hey, Everyone! This is my first time writing a story so I guess this would be very bad, but hopefully, I could make it better chapter by chapter. I'll update every Sunday, Love yall. Stay Safe! :heart: 

- Kaye

Our Love Blossoms During LunchDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora