Chapter 5 ~ A new hint

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"What the hell was that?" Hank asks as they entered the Batcave, they just returned from the hostage situation that was stopped by Red Hood and Nightwing.

"I have no idea, I mean there is no way Dick willingly teamed up with him. The guy is holding him prisoner!" Gar said in disbelieve, he couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that they just saw Dick, and instead of trying to get back to them he just got on the back of Red Hood's motor and left with him.

"He must be holding something over Dick's head to get him to comply, I just can't figure out what." Donna said as she sat down next to Tim, who is completely focused on the computer. Tim looked up from what he was doing and gave the Titans a sad smile, it was clear to him how much his heroes were hurting without their leader.

"How are you doing, did you find out anything new about this guy?" Kory asks, hoping Tim would have some new information that could help them find Dick. If this kid was as good as he says he is surely, he would have found something by now, but the smile slowly disappears from his face and shakes his head no.

"Red Hood is good, he made sure there is no way to trace his video call and, I tried multiple things to change the pitch of his voice changer in hope of hearing his real voice but nothing has worked so far." Tim sighs, he really hoped he would figure out Red Hood's identity quickly, but it seems like that isn't happening soon.

"Well, try harder! If it was one of us who had been taken Dick would have found us by now, so why do you still have nothing to go on?"̈ Rachel yelled as she got into Tim's face, the boy sinking into himself in fear for the angry girl in front of her.

"Rachel, calm down! None of this is Tim's fault, he is trying his best to help us. This isn't the first time Dick's been kidnapped, he can take care of himself until we find him." Dawn says as she helps Gar pull Rachel away from Tim, she knew how much Rachel cared for Dick but attacking an innocent boy won't help them bring him back any quicker.

"I don't care, he said he could figure out Red Hood's identity and so far he hasn't done shit!" Rachel yelled as she struggled against Gar's and Dawn's hold.

"And I told you it may take me some time because we barely know anything about the guy!" Tim responds, he wasn't gonna let her walk all over him just because she's upset.

"Rachel, is this really the way you are acting at this time? You are really proving to me why taking Nightwing away was the best thing I could do for him. If I took one of you, he would be doing everything in his power to find them but here you are attacking someone who is trying to help you. None of you deserve him!" Red Hood says as his face pops up on the computer, everyone snaps their head towards the screen in shock.

"How long have you been listening?" Conner asks in curiosity, how could Red Hood just be eavesdropping on them in the Batcave?!

"Long enough, I appreciate the effort, new kid, but there is no way you'll be able to figure out who I am without me wanting you to." Red Hood said smugly, he was really confident in the fact that his identity would remain a secret.

"Where is Nightwing?!" Donna demands, not caring about anything else Red Hood was saying. Dick and Donna have always been close, she considered him her little brother so she needed to know he was okay.

"He's right here." Red Hood says confidently as the camera zooms out, revealing Dick sleeping on Red Hood's bare chest, and Dawn gasps in surprise.

"Did you drug him? What is that in his ear?" Rachel asks while pointing at what seems to be an earbud, not believing what she sees. Dick looks so peaceful while sleeping on that maniac's chest.

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