Chapter 1 ~ Nightwing is gone

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"Talk to me." Dick said as he answered Barabara's call, the Titans have been searching the houses in the streets with bird names but they realized they were too late.

"Dick. It's Barb. We've got a problem. Bank robbery in progress. Four armed men and hostages, we don't know how many. I wasn't gonna call you, but they're all wearing red hoods." Barbara said with a panicked voice.

"Let's go." Dick tells Kory as he ends the call immediately, they need to inform the other Titans and get there as fast as possible.


"Hey." Dick says as he approaches Barbara, dressed in his Nightwing suit. The GCPD has the bank surrounded, there are sirens wailing and policemen yelling instructions to each other.

"They have hostages, but they won't talk to us. Issued no demands." Barbara informs him, it was clear she was worried for the innocent people inside.

"It's not a bank robbery. Tell your men to pull back." Dick tells her, he knows she won't like what he is telling her to do. Dick isn't even sure himself if this is the best plan but ever since Jason died his mind has been clouded with grief and he hasn't been thinking clearly, but he is trying his best.

"Pull back?" Barbara exclaimed, it was clear she disagreed with what he was telling her to do but those people in there aren't criminals, they are just parents who are trying to protect their children.

"It's a setup, just like with Ann Williams. They've been forced into this. I think it's the same person behind it." Dick explained, he needed Barabra to understand that the people who are robbing de bank are being forced to do this.

"So what? We just pull back, wait for the mayhem to start?" Barbara asked and Dick knew she wanted to believe him but he also knew she couldn't just let them rob a bank, he just needs her to let him and the Titans in there so they could take care of this.

"No, I can go in there and talk to them. They're not criminals, they're parents. They think their children are in danger. Gar, Rachel, and Conner are searching for the kids right now. That's the leverage, we find them and this all goes away. Call your men off and let us handle it." Dick said as Kory, Dawn, Hank, and Donna walked up behind him, he knew they could do this.

"If you're wrong, this is gonna be a bloodbath." Barbara said and Dick knew this was her way of saying 'don't f*ck it up'. He knew Barabara trusted him to do his job but she also knew he was still grieving and that he wasn't thinking clearly.

"We got this." Dick tells her with determination clear in his voice, Barbara looked at the Titans standing behind him and sighed.

"Stand down!" Barabara ordered and the officers did what she said, clearing a path for the Titans to approach the bank.

"All right. Each of us has a gunman to contain. But remember, they're not professionals. They're scared, may be on drugs, so don't be surprised if they're irrational. No sudden moves. No loud voices. The calmer the better." Dick explained to his team as they made their way towards the bank, he wants to avoid anyone getting hurt.

"Wait." Nightwing said as they entered the bank, as he sees one of the robbers is about to pull the trigger on one of the hostages.

"Stay back!" The gunman yells as he keeps pointing the gun at the terrified woman behind the counter, they couldn't let her get shot because of them.

"Easy. Everyone, just relax." Hank said in a lighter tone, not wanting the gunman to decide to do something stupid.

"You don't have to do this. Look, we know somebody took your children and forced you into this. We're gonna find them and bring them back to you safe and sound. Nobody needs to get hurt." Dick explains with a calm voice, as long as they stay calm, he hopes the robbers will do the same.

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