"Is Roxy oka-" Duane stops his sentence when our eyes land on the sight before us.

Amethyst is holding a walker against the wall, her arm against it's throat.


I go to help her but the walker stops moving and falls to the ground, Amethyst stands there, looking down at the walker, a tiny dagger in her hand. Duane doesn't move beside me. Shock.

"Roxy" he whispers, Amethyst kneels down and puts her hand over Roxy's eyes and moves her hand over them. She stands up and looks at us from the few feet between us.

Duane doesn't do anything but he takes a step back, not realizing the stairs that are behind him. When he falls back, Amethyst grabs his arm and pulls him towards her, and they both just sit on the floor as I stare at the body.

Roxy's wrists are slit, and her husband's dog tags are wrapped tightly around her hand keeping a picture of a little girl there also. I look back at Duane and Amethyst, Duane is crying, Amethyst too I think and she's rocking them back and forth.

Tears roll down my cheeks as I run down the stairs to the front door. I run down the porch stairs and I see Dad, Maggie, Eugene, Michonne, and Rick already walking towards the house.

"Dad!" I yell, running up to him, he catches me and asks me what's wrong.

"Roxy-" I choke on the name and Dad just goes towards the house, Maggie holds me, asking me what happened.

We go to the house and I follow dad up the stairs.

"Shit" Rick whispers, seeing the body only a few feet from Amethyst and Duane, Amethyst is staring at the body while she is comforting Duane.

Rick kneels in front of them while Dad and I go in Roxy's room, he pulls the sheet off the bed and goes back in the hallway, putting it over Roxy's body.

"Amethyst was the first one in here, she put her down" I tell Rick, he nods and reaches for Duane but Amethyst growls like a protective mama critter.

"Rick. Don't. She's been like this before. You have to wait it out" I say, grabbing his arm, he shakes his head.

"Duane, come here" Rick whispers, I see Michonne's belt and frown. Are they going to cuff her?

"Rick" I warn as Duane starts to move from Amethyst's grasp, Rick pulls Duane behind him and Michonne is quick to grab Amethyst and cuff her.

"What the hell, Rick?" Dad says as Amethyst starts screaming and freaking out. Then she just goes quiet and stops doing anything all together.

"I believe she's gone into traumatic shock" Eugene says, looking at her.

I grab Rick's arm.

"Someone needs to keep an eye on her" I whisper, he nods and looks at Duane who has moved towards Dad.
"Yeah, but it's not gonna be you or Duane, understand?" Rick says, I nod. He looks at Maggie who just nods.

"I'll take care of her, Duane. Don't worry, okay" Maggie says, Duane doesn't say anything, his eyes focused on the lump under the sheet a few feet away.

"C'mon" Dad says, making Duane and I leave, him following us. Duane doesn't speak the whole way to the Grimes's house.

3rd Person POV

"Careful" Maggie scolds as Rick and her move Amethyst onto the couch. She sits there, staring at nothing. Maggie stands next to her and unties the mask. Rick looks back at the stairs when two men are walking down, carrying Roxy's wrapped body.

"Can you open the door?" one of the men asks, Maggie stands up and quickly opens the front door while Rick helps them. Maggie watches them go down the street and towards the cemetery. When she finally goes back to the living room, Amethyst is gone.

Princess Of The End {TWD x Child}Where stories live. Discover now