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Russia's POV

"Look, I'll see you arround, I have to go back, this crisis is getting out of hand." I said to Phia, she replied, "Do you really have to go?" And I replied, "Da." I slowly walked away from her home. It was a wonderful place... I then recieved a text message saying: Ukraine is ILL. I started to panic. As soon as I arrived at Moscow Airport, I got in the car and told my assistant: "Tovarisch, I will resign soon." and he replies, "NJET, YOU CAN'T BE, YOU CAN STILL STOP THE ATTACK" And I reply kindly, "It has to be. Goodbye tovarisch. I will see you in the afterlife Moscow." 

A few hours later...

I stand beside Ukraine... It's all planned. I walk outside the room and go to the recording room. I set up some cameras and played the cameras. And started to say: 

"Good evening, blyat... This will be the first time for some of you to see me, and will also be the last of those who have been with me since the beggining. I will be resigning, and the territory of this land will be a 'free nation'. If any unknown descendants of mine wish to claim the territory. They can do so. Dast Vidania." 

I walk to ther room. Sat down... And it all ended...

I really hate Russia now, he deserves this. I will still continue the other book. 

She's Dating a Communist (RusPhil)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя