Day 1||12

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No one's POV

It's early in the morning and the soft, deep, and overprotective voice of Russia made voice, "I'm sorry..." A soft, caring voice of a woman said, "It's fine Ruski. It's just a scratch"
They were cooking breakfast and Russia had accidentally scratched his soon to be with a knife. 

Philia's POV

A loud bang sounded from outside, the unmistakable sound of a gunshot. I ask the man beside me, "Ruski, what is going on?" He looked pale, "Go, run, take Ukraine and Belarus, take them to the cabin." He said pulling his gun from his coat. "But Ruski-" "I said go!" "NO! I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU!" I started to cry, he told me to go, and to take Ukraine and Belarus. He hugged me, but as soon as he let go, he got hit in the chest. The assasins know I'm here, here. I've lost him... I've lost my father... I've lost my mother... 

Soviet's POV

A fallen man... I carried my son's injured body to the hospital. It was the second time he's been here in a row... It was a sad day, but before we could open the door to see the fallen comrade, A woman, a countryhuman just like us sprinted towards the door. We allowed this, but we just stayed there. 

Philia's POV

I kneeled down on the floor, took his hand and started to cry. I was very sad, worse than when my dad died... He was kind to me, he made me happy... I cried my eyes out... This is how it felt when it happened to me...

So, erm, I'm planning on making the story short, but idk... So, poll if u want it short or make it a bit longer? So erm, I was checking thru my notifications when I just rmemeberemrd this says Day 1||12

She's Dating a Communist (RusPhil)Where stories live. Discover now