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No one's POV

It was nearly Christmas, and Russia was sitting by the piano with Philia resting on his lap.

Russia's POV

I haven't played the piano for a while, do you think I'm still good at doing it? I asked Philia, "Do you mind if I play something?" She nodded and I opened the cover for the keys of the grand piano in front of me. And I started to pick a key. I was thinking over what song I should pick first, then it came to a tie between Kalinka and Katyusha. I picked Katyusha. 

I picked a key and started to play. When I hit a few notes Philia looked up at me. when I stopped singing she said, "Wow... I didn't know you play the piano." I replied to her, but trying not to hurt her, "There are a lot of things you don't know about me..." 

Philia's POV

Words hit me, yes, it was true. I hadn't known much about him... "Are you alright sunshine?" I replied, "Erm, yes?" He didn't seem convinced, "C'mon, I'll be cooking kvash- I meant porridge, we can talk about everything while eating." He started to cook the food. It smelled quite good. When he came to the dinner table, he had a pot with him. He placed the pot on the table and sat down. He asked, "What do you want to know about first?" I asked him, "Who had you been in love with? Before me?" Russia chuckled and replied, "Don't worry Philia, you were the only one." I asked again, "Tell me the truth Ruski..." He said, "I am, your the only one sunshine." 

No one's pov

They both learned everything they needed to. And they were fine with that.

Damn, seriously, is anyone gonna' do the bloody polls?

She's Dating a Communist (RusPhil)Where stories live. Discover now