I'll taze you in the nuts

Start from the beginning

"AAHHHHHHHHG" the man fell to the side clutching his crotch in pain. And I made a run for it, only to stop when I heard him getting back up. If I let him off this easily he'd just do it again. And after he threatened me? That won't happen, shouldn't happen, not on my watch. 

"HEY ASS FACE!" I shouted marching to his hunched over form. Once I got close he lunged again swinging the knife like a crazed lunatic. Which he probably was.

He tried to tackle me once again, only to meet a brick wall as I dove out of the way. But he was faster, probably stronger, and most definitely used to street fights. He turned and launched off the wall leading with the knife, I dove down to try and evade him, instead he followed my movement... with his foot. The ends of his shoes were blunt and hard, knocking the wind from my lungs. My hand was once again empty. Where the fuck is my taser?!

I couldn't see straight, the corners of my vision starting to blur. The man stopped kicking and started shouting. What he was saying I have no idea, all I know is that he's stopped attacking and he's left himself open. Using my crouched position I slammed my shoulder into his ribs. He fell back from the momentum, right into a large trash pile.

The pain and weariness was starting to get to me, my vision was still spinning and I no longer felt the need to vibe check him (and myself in the process). As I turned to leave the man I spat at him, he deserved far worse. Then he started talking, but not to me. As I stood at the front of the alley I focused trying to figure out what he was saying, and who he was talking to.

 Then I heard it, a low clicking sound. It seemed to bounce off the walls, and the inside of my skull. 

"What the hell?" What is this, some sort of prank?! The noise suddenly stopped leaving only me and the assface man. I looked around trying to see past my blurry vision, but I could hear better without the blood rushing to my head. There was a new sound, a sort of scrapping, but there was no source to be found.

"What the fuck?"

》Bahtoh pov《

This was interesting.

It was the last day of gathering 'oomans for the hunt. Most of them were badbloods, or military. This combination always had the best results, and the best entertainment. When the criminals and the military started fighting over fault! Ha! Glorious. 

We were just passing over the alleys and streets making our way to the ship. When shuffling in the alley below had caught our attention, it was easily lost. 

'Oomans are dishonorable creatures, attacking their females, forcing her to give them pleasure, while she is intoxicated and vulnerable it's disgusting. Had this been yautja the attacker would be beheaded and offered to the female as a trophy, but no, 'oomans allow this behavior to continue. Some even blame the victim! We had heard these arguments before from broadcasted channels, or passing the humans from above. And this was no different. The badblood had her pinned against a wall, he was enjoying her muffled cries for help. I could only give her pity as we turned to leave.

"HEY!" What's this? There was another voice from the alley.

I was intrigued by this; was it another 'ooman wanting to fight for the female? Or the male?

"Let that woman go!" No, it wasn't a fight over the woman or man. It was a fight in defense. The new 'ooman was glaring down at the man, a small device held in their hand.

How curious; a human defending another, and for What? Would they expect compensation later? Or was this something more, something instinctual, something primal?

Pausing in my stride caught the attention of Veta. He glanced up as I pointed down and we listened.

"Shut up and mind your own business douche!" The badblood shouted, shoulders tensing like a dog over meat. The 'ooman at the entrance froze, looking like they were leaving, what a pity.

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