Chapter 5: The Devil's Fate (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Lucifer grabs his long and thick coat and stare at it. "While the Fatui always seek ways to increase their power, they always seek ways to decrease or suppress mine." He says as he drapes it over his shoulder. "My clothes were designed by the Fatui to suppress my powers from corrupting others, along with decreasing the chance of others touching me. This will allow me to touch you without harming you, but it's better if we don't risk it." Lucifer explains once more.

"I see." Miko says. "In other words, you will try to capture my heart without crossing the... uncomfortable boundary. Am I correct?" Miko confirms, to which Lucifer nods in response.

"I suppose it would be amusing to see your futile efforts go to waste. And it would make our story a page turner." Miko snickers, and Lucifer ignores the comment as long as Miko agrees to play along with him. "Alright then. I'll let you entertain me." Miko approves, and Lucifer sigh in relief.

"At least you will act like a gentleman." Miko compliments. "Boring as it may, I must admit, I still would've preferred a gentleman better rather than a man touching me without my consent." Miko confessed.

"I wish you could also say the same for yourself when you decided to watch me while I am bathing." Lucifer remarks with a sigh.

Miko shrugs. "Perhaps." She admits with a smile. "Then what if I'll let you watch me the next time I'm bathing?" Miko suggests with an innocent smile.

Lucifer's eyes widens at the suggestion, before quickly realizing that Miko was just teasing him. But he decides to play along with her.

"I'd love to." Lucifer responded, shooting her a charming grin.

Miko pouts since she did not receive any amusing reaction from Lucifer. "In your dreams." Miko says with a smirk.

Lucifer smirks back. "I didn't know the Guuji likes to go back on her own words." He says with his arms crossed on his chest.

"Then you should've done your homework more thoroughly, Mr. Morningstar." Miko retorted without missing a beat, referring to how he investigated her personal life.

Lucifer took a seat next to her once he's finished with putting his clothes back on as Miko had instructed him earlier.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Eat up!~" Miko says with a pleased smile as he took out each boxes of food she ordered from the Uyuu Restaurant.

Miko's smile turns mischievous, which made Lucifer gulp nervously. Lucifer may have met her since only yesterday, but he is fully aware there is nothing good coming from that kind of looks from Miko.

"You know, earlier I was wondering what could've made you order a food on the largest restaurant in Inazuma city, even though you are fully aware your power will create problems." Miko start. "So I decided to ask Erika what you've ordered." Miko says with a smile.

Of course she did, Lucifer thought to himself as he silently curse.

Miko's smile turns sadistic. "Fried Tofu and Kushikatsu, along with a sake. I must admit, you have a great taste." She says as she opens a box full of Fried Tofu and Kushikatsu, along with a bottle of sake. "But oh dear~ Is it not such a big coincidence for you to order my favourites?" Miko asked innocently, and Lucifer had to turn his face away to hide his embarrassment from her.

"Or perhaps..." Miko leans closer to him, Lucifer had to lean back away from her. "The food you've ordered were never for you?" Miko asked with a teasing smile.

Lucifer still hides his face from her as he take a deep breath. "Lady Yae. I understand that teasing is in your blood... however can you at least spare me from them?" Lucifer says with him still covering his face with his hand.

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