Forbidden Chapter

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"What do you think you're doing?" Miko  grits her teeth as she struggles to rip her wrist from Lucifer's vice grip.

Lucifer smirks, his eyes glows purple, and the air around him feels different from how he used to to Miko. "What I should've done since we first met." Lucifer responded as he pressed both of her hands on top of her head, and Miko who is too weak to fight back against Lucifer's strength is helpless.

"You're not my Lucifer." Miko narrows her eyes at Lucifer.

"No. Not exactly." Lucifer coos, impressed that she could immediately tell the difference. "I'm just another part of him." He shrugs.

"Well, who would've thought that other part of him is such a pervert?" Miko tries to stay calm, even in this situation.

"No kidding. You have no idea how many times the thought of stripping you down himself passed his mind. But boy, does he have a strong self restraint." Lucifer chuckles as he eyes Miko up to down with thirst.

"Well, as much as I would've loved to have such a dashing man on top of me, I still would like to live. And I'm sure you don't want to have an intercourse with a pile of ashes, do you?"

"Why are you refusing?" Lucifer raised an eyebrow. "You've always wanted to try sleeping with me. If you don't try it now, when will we find out the answer?"

"I want to sleep with MY Lucifer. Not someone who is pretending to be him." Miko correct him. "And besides, I still would've prefer to live rather than taking unnecessary risk." Miko says.

"I AM him. Except I'm more... honest with my desire."

"Then would you like to sleep with a puppet who looks exactly like me, yet have a completely different personality?" Miko retorted, shutting Lucifer up for a few seconds.

"No. That's not even you." Lucifer whines.

"Exactly." Miko smirks.

"But you seem to forget something." Lucifer says as he leans closer to her face until she can feel his breath tickling her neck. "Why do I need your permission?" Lucifer smirks widely.

Miko bit her lip, as she felt his giant hand crawling up from her calves to her thighs, and his other hand still pressed her hands against the floor. Although he still wears his gloves, it left a trail of tiny sparks on her legs, resulting her whole body to shiver.

Despite this... it was far from pleasurable. To put in a simple manner, it left her with disgust. Sure it was still Lucifer's strong and large hand, but the person in front of her is still not her Lucifer.

"Lucifer." Miko stayed calm as he continues to enjoy exploring her skin without her consent. "Are you really going to let another men touch your woman?" Instead of trying to wake the real Lucifer up, she tries to provoke him.

"Don't you want to be the one to strip me naked yourself?" Miko gives Lucifer a sultry look.

Lucifer laughs at this. "Interesting way of trying to wake him up, but it won't work. He's completely asleep. He can't even hear yo--"

"If you wake up now, I'll sit on your face."

Then Lucifer's body jolts up. "What the fu--" Lucifer's left eye reverts to its original color. The same blue star she always know. "No way! Are you shitting me--" Then both his eyes revert back to blue again.

Lucifer sighs in relief, before he look back to Miko. "Does the offer still stand?" Lucifer asked.

"..." Miko gives him a deadpan look.


AN: I am high on sleep deprivation while writing this for less than an hour, so don't take this chapter too seriously, and it's not canon. And yes, I'm still writing chapter 11.

Also from now on, everytime I upload news, I will upload some side stories or stupid story like this chapter. And the series will be called, Forbidden Chapter. Anyway, that's all~

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