Chapter 9: Forbidden

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A long, long time ago there was a sky nymph who was the essence of the snow. He was loved and blessed by the gods. Everything he did in the heavens was watched by the gods. Every time his laughter rang through the heavens, the gods smiled and stopped whatever they were doing to watch him dance around.

One day as the nymph was looking out of his home to earth, he caught a glimpse of the sea and felt its call. As he continued to stare at the sea, he felt his soul tug and long to be with the sea, so he quietly snuck out of the heavens and made his way to the sea.

The moment his toes touched the edge of the sea, he felt excitement fill him, and his laughter rang through the air. When his laughter reached the depths of the ocean, the Prince of the demons stopped what he was doing to listen to the beautiful laughter. Wanting to hear more of the beautiful voice, he swam from the deepest depths of the ocean to the shallows and sunlight.

As the sky nymph happily played in the shallow water, he did not notice the man watching him right below the surface. When the beautiful nymph took a step deeper into the water he slipped in the sand and fell towards the water.

Before he fell into the water, strong arms encircled his waist and firmly held him. When the nymph turned to face the man who saved him, his breath was taken away as red glowing eyes observed him.

"I'm sorry!" The nymph quickly apologized as he blushed under the gaze of the larger man.

"It's ok." The man quietly answered and lifted him up bridal style.

The beautiful nymph squealed in surprise and quickly wrapped his arms around the larger man as his feet left the ground. The demon gently carried the nymph to the dry sand.

"What's your name?" The curious nymph asked as he admired the man carrying him.

"Iseult." The demon answered and set the nymph down.

"I'm Illya. Thank you for catching me." Illya sweetly smiled as he looked at the demon.

"Be more careful next time." The demon told him while walking back towards the water.

"Where are you going?" Illya asked as he followed close behind.


"You're from the sea?" Illya asked in excitement.


"I'm from the sky!" Illya happily squealed and intercepted the retreating male.

"What are you doing here?" The demon asked in shock.

"I saw the sea, so I wanted to explore the sea." Illya explained and smiled up at the demon.

"The earth and sea are not as safe as the sky. There are demons in the sea." Iseult explained as he led the nymph back to the dry sand.

"But you're a demon, and you seem nice." Illya smiled at the handsome man.

"Not all demons are nice." 

"Not all gods are nice." Illya argued back with his endearing smile.

"You're a sky nymph. You shouldn't be mingling with a sea demon." Iseult explained and started walking back to the water again.

"And why is that?" Illya asked as he quickly stepped in front of Iseult, stopping him.

"Those are the rules the gods made." Iseult softly smiled at the curious nymph.

"I break their rules all of the time though." Illya giggled.

"This is the one rule that cannot be broken."

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