Chapter 8: Blessing

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"Taehyung will likely miss Captain for a few days, so we will just do our best to take care of him until he is able to -"

"Take m-me to the archery t-target." Taehyung's voice interrupts Seojoon and the other's conversation.

"Of course! We will all take you, but Yeajin is the best archer out of the three of us. She'll be the one teaching you." Seojoon answers and shoves Minho out of the lodge to prepare Achlys for the day.

When everyone is ready to go, Taehyung and Achlys speed off to the archery field before the others can say anything. I will be strong when you come back. I don't know exactly what happened, but I know that I didn't protect you from the curse when you were weak. This time, I will protect you. I promise.

By the time Taehyung reaches the archery field, the others are far in the distance. Taehyung is light, and Achlys is powerful. As they ride past one of the targets, Taehyung pulls out Aella and takes aim. 

The moment Aella is in his hands, Taehyung feels alive. With his eyes closed, Taehyung takes in his surroundings. He listens to the wind rustle every blade of grass. The sounds surrounding him are amplified. The second he snaps his eyes open, he sends the arrow flying straight for the heart of the target. As the arrow strikes through the target, the face of the prince from his visions flashes before his eyes covered in blood.

As Taehyung pants and recovers from the vision, Seojoon and the others ride up next to him. They quietly watch the boy as he stares off into the distance.

"His posture is like that of the elders from the Sky archers when he shoots. How can someone who is maybe 18 and spent most of his life in shackles be able to shoot as if he's been training for his entire life with the best archers?" Yeajin whispers to the two others as he watches him string up another arrow.

"What if he's like Captain?" Minho asks quietly.

"Maybe." Seojoon mumbles as he watches Taehyung in awe. Seeing someone with his grace and strength fire a bow is rare because there are very few Sky archers, and they practice alone.

As Taehyung continues to shoot Aella, the three others quietly refill his quiver. They stay quiet because there is a coldness about him as he shoots over and over and over. By the time that Taehyung decides to stop, his hands are bleeding. He smirks as he looks down at his bloody hands. Then he turns and watches the sun set on the first day.

"How come there is a swordsman with every archer?" Taehyung asks as he looks at those practicing in the field.

"Because archers and swordsmen come in pairs." Seojoon explains as he cleans off Taehyung's hands.

"Out of the three of you there is one archer and two swordsmen." Taehyung points out.

"Technically you are Captain's archer, but while he is not here, I am your swordsman. My archer joined his ship to keep the balance. Don't worry though, my archer is not taking your place as Captain's archer while he is gone. Captain has never accepted another archer because he has always told everyone that he has an archer. The best archer." Seojoon softly explains.

"He should take an archer when I'm not with him. Stupid." Taehyung sniffles and stares at the sunset.

As the group turns to head back to their lodge, the elder stands in front of them with the leaders of the clan families and the chief. "Come with us." The elder smiles and turns to leave.

Taehyung turns and looks at Seojoon, so Seojoon nods to let him know that it is ok. As they ride through the clan, Taehyung sees archer and swordsman pairs goofing around. Taehyung realizes that the pairs are from different families in the clan because of the symbols on their clothing.

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